1. Surgical Anatomy (Niederle).- Liver and the intrahepatic biliary system.- Extrahepatic biliary system.- Main bile duct and papilla.- Gallbladder and cystic duct.- Blood vessels.- Lymphatic drainage.- Innervation.- Anomalies and variations.- Duodenum and pancreas.- References.- 2. Clinical and Pathological Physiology (Kecl?k).- Secretion and composition of bile.- Motor activity of the biliary tract.- Biliary pain.- Lithogenesis.- Biliary tract obstruction.- Sequels of biliary surgery.- Biliary tract and liver.- Biliary tract and pancreas.- Hepatorenal syndrome.- References.- 3. Preoperative Diagnosis (Keclik, Niederle, Hol?k).- Clinical and biochemical examination.- Special techniques of examination.- Duodenal intubation.- Duodenoscopy.- Needle biopsy.- Laparoscopy.- Minilaparotomy.- Isotopic examination.- Sonography.- Preoperative radiodiagnosis.- Basic radiological examinations.- Instrumental cholangiographies.- Selective angiographies.- Computed tomography.- Choice of diagnostic methods.- References.- 4. General Principles of Biliary Surgery and Operative Diagnosis (Niederle, Blazek, Kecl?k, Jedlicka).- Preoperative preparation of the patient.- Anesthesia.- Laparotomy and abdominal exploration.- Methods of operative instrumental exploration.- Radiology and manodebimetry.- Probing.- Choledochoscopy.- Puncture and biopsy.- Choice of diagnostic methods.- Basic surgial procedures.- Suturing of bile ducts.- Drainage of the gallbladder - cholecystostomy.- Drainage of bile ducts- choledochostomy.- Drainage and closure of the abdomen.- Postoperative management.- Hospital care and control radiology.- Long-term patient follow up.- References.- 5. Gallbladder Diseases and Cholecystectomy (Novak, Kecl?k, Niederle).- Cholecystolithiasis.- Cholecystitis.- Cholecystoses.- Gallbladder dysfunction.- Gallbladder operations.- References.- 6. Bile Ducts Diseases and Their Surgery (Niederle, Holubec, Kecl?k).- Choledodiolithiasis.- Intrahepatic lithiasis.- Benign biliary stenoses.- Stenosis of papilla and sphincteric part of the common bile duct.- Biliary pancreatitis and pancreatic choledochus stenosis.- Cholangitis and inflammatory stenosis.- References.- 7. Biliary Tumours (Brzek).- Tumours of the gallbladder.- Tumours of the extrahepatic bile ducts and the papilla.- Surgery for tumours.- References.- 8. Surgery of Jaundice (Niederle, Kecl?k).- Classification and diagnosis.- Indications for surgery and surgical interventions.- References.- 9. Biliary Fistulas and Anastomoses (Niederle).- External fistulas.- Spontaneous fistulas.- Postoperative fistulas.- Artificial surgical fistulas.- Internal fistulas.- Spontaneous fistulas.- Postoperative fistulas.- Artificial fistulas or biliodigestive anastomoses.- References.- 10. Biliary Anomalies (Niederle, Tosovsfy).- Congenital atresias and stenoses.- Agenesia and hypoplasia of the biliary tract.- Dilatations and cysts of bile ducts.- Congenital common duct perforation.- Duodenal diverticula in the region of the papilla of Vater.- References.- 11. Biliary Emergencies (Novak, Niederle, Tesa?).- Acute progressive cholecystitis.- Acute emphysematous cholecystitis.- Biliary peritonitis.- Acute obstructions of the papilla of Vater.- Gallstone ileus.- Volvulus of the gallbladder.- Hemobilia.- Traumatic damage of the biliary tract.- References.- 12. Surgical Failures and Reinterventions (Niederle, Keclik, Tesa?, Kodlova).- Errors in indications for surgery.- Errors in preoperative patient preparation.- Operative mistakes and injuries, their prevention and immediate repair.- Postoperative complications and urgent reoperations.- Persistent or late symptoms of surgical failures and late reoperations.- References.