Content --; A Basic skill --; A 1 The technique of inspection --; A 2 The technique of auscultation --; A 3 The technique of percussion --; A 4 The technique of palpation --; B Basic examinatio --; B 1 Inspection of the body shape, posture and movement --; B 2 Inspection of the skin and mucous membranes --; B 3 Evaluation of the nutritional and hydration state --; B 4 Palpation of the skin --; B 5 Evaluation of the pulse --; B 6 Measurement of the blood pressure --; B 7 Evaluation of respiration --; B 8 Measurement of height and weight --; B 9 Measurement of length and weight of an infant --; B 10 Measurement of the body temperature rectally --; C Examination of the nervous syste --; C 1 Various aspects --; C 2 Signs of meningitis --; C 3 The twelve cranial nerves --; C 4 Examination of the upper extremity --; C 5 Examination of the lower extremity --; C 6 Examination of the trunk --; C 7 Short neurological examination --; D Examination of separate parts of the bod --; D 1 Examination of the head --; D 2 Examination of the eyes --; D 3 Examination of the mouth and throat --; D 4 Examination of the nose --; D 5 Examination of the ears --; D 6 Examination of the head and neck --; D 7 Examination of the thorax --; D 8 Examination of the abdomen --; D 9 Examination of the internal and external genitalia --; D 10 Examination of a pregnant woman --; D 11 Examination of the trunk --; D 12 Examination of the arm --; D 13 Examination of the shoulder girdle --; D 14 Examination of the elbow --; D 15 Examination of the wrist, hand and fingers --; D 16 Examination of the leg --; D 17 Examination of the hip --; D 18 Examination of the knee --; D 19 Examination of the ankle, foot and toes --; A Basic skills --; B Basic examination --; C Examination of the nervous system --; D Examination of separate parts of the body.
Text of Note
Having the privilege of editing the English language version of this book I have found the detailed thought, explanation and step-by-step instruction that this book provides most refreshing and stimulating. There are few publications indeed that provide a completely reliable companion to bedside and out-patient instruction for the medical student - and even fewer that enhance the established physician's techniques. Medical skills in the art and science of patient examination are normally learnt experimentally - time, personal instruction and constant repetition are necessary for them to be acquired. Even then it must be admitted by many that there are some techniques that are never fully understood, properly learnt or correctly concluded - and these errors are liable to a lifetime's repetition. This volume with its excellent photographs and illustrations takes the reader clearly and incontrovertibly step-by-step through every detail of all the procedures necessary for the standard forms of examination of a patient. It is a companion for every student and doctor who wishes to learn fully and completely these necessary skills and to improve the ones they already have. Dr Alexander D.G. Gunn, Director, University Health Service, Reading, Berks, UK 1982 Preface to the Dutch edition The idea of writing this book coincided almost them a superficial acquaintance with five or six exactly with the establishment of a 'skills 'fashions' and proficiency in none of them.