Nordic symposium on forest water ecosystems held at Färna, Central Sweden, September 28-October 2, 1981
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Curt Forsberg, Jan-Åke Johansson.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Netherlands
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(184 pages)
Series Title
Developments in hydrobiology, 13.
Text of Note
Input-output budgets at Langtjern, a small acidified lake in southern Norway --; Dissolved inorganic substances: A study of mass balance in three small drainage basins --; Dilution and acidification effects during the spring flood of four Swedish mountain brooks --; Trace metals in Swedish natural fresh waters --; Selenium as a growth factor for plankton algae in laboratory experiments and in some Swedish lakes --; Origin and production of phosphatases in the acid Lake Gardsjon --; Bacterioplankton in the acidified Lake Gårdsjön --; Respiration of plankton in two small polyhumic lakes --; Seasonal development of bacterioplankton in two forest lakes in central Sweden --; Relations between production and biomass of phytoplankton in four Swedish lakes of different trophic status and humic content --; Primary production and phytoplankton in two small, polyhumic forest lakes in southern Finland --; Zooplanktic indicators of trophy and their food --; Growth and feeding of Fredericella sultana (bryozoa) in the outlet of a humic acid lake --; The food preference of vendace (Coregonus albula) in South Swedish forest lakes including the predation effect on zooplankton populations --; Food and food selection of cisco (Coregonus albula L.) in a dysoligotrophic lake --; Differences in growth of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in two small forest lakes --; Ecological effects of lime treatment of acidified lakes and rivers in Sweden.