1. Renovascular hypertension: Definitions, incidence and clinical aspects --; 2. The pathology of reno-vascular hypertension --; 3. Renovascular hypertension: Aspects of pathophysiology --; 4. Radiodiagnostic investigations for renovascular hypertension --; 5. Digital subtraction, angiography in the evaluation of hypertension --; 6. Functional diagnosis of renovascular hypertension, with special reference to renin measurements --; 7. Application of diagnostic procedures in patient management --; 8. General aspects of medical treatment. A review --; 9. Captopril in the treatment of hypertension with renal artery stenosis --; 10. Renovascular hypertension: Basis for anatomical reconstruction --; 11. In situ and extracorporeal reconstruction: Technical aspects of surgical therapy for renovascular hypertension --; 12. Clinical results of surgical therapy for renovascular hypertension --; 13. Renovascular hypertension: Combined surgical procedures --; 14. Renal artery stenosis in kidney transplantation --; 15. Technical aspects of transluminal angioplasty in renal arteries --; 16. Follow-up study of 70 patients with renal artery stenosis treated by percutaneous transluminal dilatation --; 17. Treatment of renal vascular hypertension: A comparison of patients treated by surgery or by percutaneous transluminal angioplasty --; 18. Renovascular hypertension: The medical point of view --; 19. Renovascular hypertension: The surgical point of view --; Index of Subjects.
Text of Note
Diagnostic and therapeutic methods and controversies in the management of renovascular hypertension have undergone major ch- ges during the past few years. This book is based on the proceedings of a successful postgraduate Boerhaave Course held in 1982 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. Current concepts concerning the diagnosis and treatment of reno vascular hypertension were presented during this course to an audience composed of physicians, nephrologists, cardiologists, surgeons, uro logists, and radiologists. Thus, this book aims at offering an overview of tho,se aspects of renovascular hypertension which are relevant to clinical pr- tice. An effort is made to review the currently available moda lities of diagnostic procedures, both on the basis of modern in sights in the pathology and pathophysiology of renovascular hyper tension, as well as timely r'esul ts of clinical research. In ad dition, several chapters deal with combinations of these di- nostic procedures in a fashion that can be of practical help in clin;cal decision making. The medical, surgical and angioplastic modalities of treatment are reviewed. Basic considerations concerning medical treatment and technical aspects of surgical as well as per cutaneous angioplasty are presented in detail, both separately and in combination. Special attention is given to the problem of renal artery stenosjs in k~dney transplants. This book offers up to date information on clinical aspects of renovascular hypertension, useful to a wide range of clinicians in a variety of disciplines.