Specific Principles and Methods: Growth and Developments
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by J. M. Bonga, Don J. Durzan.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dordrecht Springer Netherlands
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(XVI, 448 p.).
Series Title
Forestry sciences, 24-26.
Text of Note
1. Introduction --; 2. Conifer Protoplasts --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Starting Material --; 3. Protoplast Isolation --; 4. Protoplast Culture --; 5. Conclusion --; 3. Protoplast Culture of Hardwoods --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Requirements of a Successful Protoplast System --; 3. Concluding Remarks --; 4. Biochemistry of Forest Tree Species in Culture --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Biochemistry --; 3. Conclusion --; 5. Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Perennials --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Methods --; 3. Somatic Embryo Development --; 4. Plant Development --; 5. Physiology --; 6. Discussion --; 7. Conclusion --; 6. Ammohia: its Analogues, Metabolic Products and Site of Action in Somatic Embryogenesis --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Localization of Ammonia Assimilation --; 3. Ports of Entry for Reduced Nitrogen --; 4. Genetic Regulation --; 5. Effects of Ammonia --; 6. Other Pivotal Products --; 7. N Transfers and Release in Embryogenesis: Internal Sources of Ammonia --; 8. Need For Diagnostic Specificity --; 7. Embryo Culture --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Historical Background --; 3. Embryo Culture --; 4. Embryo Rescue --; 5. in Ovulo Embryo Culture --; 6. in Vitro Pollination and Fertilization --; 7. Concluding Remarks --; 8. in vitro Control of Morphogenesis in Conifers --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Regeneration of Plantlets from Tissues of Mature Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) --; 3. Male and Female Cone Production in Sequoia Semperv1Rens Explants --; 4. Conclusions --; 9. Morphogenesis (Cytochemistry) --; 1. Introduction --; 2. General Methods for Tissue Preparation for Cytochemical Staining --; 3. Cytochemical Staining Procedures --; 4. Enzyme Histochemistry --; 5. Applications of Histo- and Cytochemical Techniques in Tissue Culture --; 6. Conclusions --; 10. Root Formation --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Biological, Physical and Chemical Factors Affecting Rhizogenesis. their Putative Roles --; 3. Metabolic Changes Associated with Root Formation --; 4. Factors Influencing Root Formation in vitro --; 5. Concluding Remarks --; 11. Correlations Within the Tree --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Consequences of Tree Physiology --; 3. Juvenility and Topophysis --; 4. Mother Tree Pretreatments --; 5. Case Study: Douglas Fir --; 12. Haploids (Gymnosperms) --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Sources Of Haploid Cells --; 3. Behavior of Gametophytestn vitro --; 4. Ploidy of Tissues and Organs Derived from Gametophytes --; 5. Conclusion --; 13. Induction of Androgenesis in Hardwood Trees --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Prospects of Improvement of Woody Plants by Using Haploids --; 3. Morphogenesis in Anther Culture --; 4. Androgenesis and Culture Medium --; 5. Variation of Chromosome Number --; 6. Methodology for Evaluation of Pollen Trees --; 14. Triploids --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Endosperm --; 3. In vitro Culture --; 4. Applications --; 15. Cold Storage of Tissue Cultures --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Methodology of Cold Storage --; 3. Factors Affecting Cold Storage --; 4. Ultrastructure of Cold-Stored Cells --; 5. Uses for Cold Storage --; 6. Conclusions --; 16. Cryopreservation of Woody Species --; 1. Introduction --; 2. General Procedure --; 3. Examples of Cryopreservation of Woody Plant Material --; 4. Potential Application of Cryopreservation in Tree Improvement --; 17. Nursery Handling of Propagules --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Commercial Nursery Needs Vs. Laboratory Practice --; 3. Seasonality of Growth and Production Cycles --; 4. Micropropagation Options --; 5. Factors Affecting Survival and Growth --; 18. Mycorrhizae --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Role of Mycorrhizae in Tree Growth and Development --; 3. Production and Application of Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Inoculum --; 4. Field Trials With Ectomycorrhizal Planting Stock --; 5. Production and Application of Endomycorrhizal Inoculum --; 6. Field Trials with Endomycorrhizal --; 7. Research Opportunities --; 8. Summary --; 19. Tissue Culture Application to Forest Pathology and Pest Control --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Host and Pathogen: Culture and Challenge --; 3. Somaclonal Variation --; 4. Virus and Mycoplasma Elimination --; 5. Genetic Vectors --; 6. Conclusion --; 20. Tumors --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Tumors of Fungal Origin --; 3. Tumors op Bacterial Origin --; 4. Viral Tumors --; 5. Genetic Tumors --; 6. Tumors Caused by Insects --; 7. Tumors of Unknown Origin --; 8. In vitro Culture --; 9. Conclusion --; 21. Cell Suspension Cultures for the Study of Plant Cell Senescence --; 1. Introduction --; 2. Terminology and Cotext --; 3. Senescence of Cultured Pear Fruit Cells --; 4. Discussion --; 5. Conclusions --; 22. Physiological States and Metabolic Phenotypes in Embryonic Development --; 1. Introduction --; 2. State Network Maps --; 3. Map Features --; 4. Process Control --; 5. Some Implications and Uses --; 6 Conclusions --; Tree species index --; General index.
Text of Note
2. 2. Plant materials 2. 3. Pregrowth conditions 2. 4. Cryoprotectant treatment 2. 5. Freezing 2. 5. 1. Slow freezing 2. 5. 2. Rapid freezing 2. 5. 3. Droplet freezing 2. 6. Storage 2. 7. Thawing 2. 8. Viability testing 2. 9. Post-thaw regrowth 3. EXAMPLES OF CRYOPRESERVATION OF WOODY PLANT MATERIAL 4. POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF CRYOPRESERVATION IN TREE IMPROVEMENT 17. NURSERY HANDLING OF PROPAGULES - J. A. Driver, and 320 G. R. L. Suttle 1. INTRODUCTION 2. COMMERCIAL NURSERY NEEDS VS. LABORATORY PRACTICE 3. SEASONALITY OF GROWTH AND PRODUCTION CYCLES 4. MICROPROPAGATION OPTIONS 4. 1. Trends in commercial micropropagation 4. 1. 1. Contract micropropagation 5. FACTORS AFFECTING SURVIVAL AND GROWTH 5. 1. Hardening of propagules in vitro 5. 2. Greenhouse considerationS-- 5. 3. Field planting 5. 4. New approaches: Direct field rooting 5. 4. 1. Pretreatment in vitro 5. 4. 2. Root induction 5. 4. 3. Field placement 18. MYCORRHIZAE - R. K. Dixon, and D. H. Marx 336 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ROLE OF MYCORRHIZAE IN TREE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 3. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS INOCULUM 3. 1. Bareroot stock 3. 2. Container-grown stock 4. FIELD TRIALS WITH ECTOMYCORRHIZAL PLANTING STOCK 5. PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF ENDOMYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM 6. FIELD TRIALS WITH ENDOMYCORRHIZAL 7. RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES 8. SUMMARY 351 19. TISSUE CULTURE APPLICATIUN TO FOREST PATHOLOGY AND PEST CONTROL - A. M. Diner, and D. F. Karnosky 1. INTRODUCTION 2. HOST AND PATHOGEN: CULTURE AND CHALLENGE 2. 1.
Parallel Title
Specific Principles and Methods; Forestry Sciences, vol. 24-26