1 Analysis of membrane protein composition by gel electrophoresis.- 2 Analysis of membrane protein composition by isoelectric focusing and two-dimensional electrophoresis.- 3 Solubilization and purification of membrane proteins.- 4 Reconstitution of membrane proteins into vesicular membranes.- 5 Functional reconstitution of membrane proteins in planar lipid bilayer membranes.- 6 Topography of membrane proteins - determination of regions exposed to the aqueous phase.- 7 Topology of membrane proteins - determination of regions exposed to the lipid bilayer.- 8 Immunochemical analysis of membrane proteins.- 9 Sequence analysis of membrane proteins.- 10 Freeze-fracture and freeze-etch electron microscopy of membrane proteins.- 11 Three-dimensional structure of membrane proteins.- 12 Lateral motion of membrane proteins.- 13 Rotational diffusion of membrane proteins.