Modelling mushy regions --; Numerical finite difference model for steady state array growth --; A model of a casting --; A model for the numerical computation of microsegregation in alloys --; Development of a computer model of dendritic microsegregation for use with multicomponent steels --; Finite element simulation of solidification problems --; On the sensitivity of numerical simulations of solidification to the physical properties of the melt and the mould --; Thermal rhythms in composite ladle walls --; The integration of geometric modelling with finite element analysis for the computer-aided design of castings --; Heat line formation in a roll caster --; Modelling of liquid-liquid metal mixing --; Mathematical modelling of bubble-driven flows in metallurgical processes --; A simplified model of bubble-driven flow in an axisymmetric container --; Stirring phenomena in centrifugal casting of pipes --; The importance of secondary flow in the rotary electromagnetic stirring of steel during continuous casting --; On determining the shape of weld pools --; Recent developments in modelling metal flow and solidification --; Author index.
Text of Note
The origin of this book can be traced to a Workshop held at the University of Cambridge in December 1985 under the auspices of the Wolfson Group for Studies of Fluid Flow and Mixing in Industrial Processes. This Group was esƯ tablished at the University of Cambridge in January 1983 and includes memƯ bers from the Departments of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Engineering and Chemical Engineering. As its name suggests, the objective of the Group is to undertake, co"ordinate and stimulate research in various aspects of fluid flow and mixing in industrial processes. However, another equally important aim for the Group is to promote co-operation between the University and industry at all levels from collaborative research projects to joint colloquia. The Workshop in December 1985 on 'Mixing, Stirring and Solidification in Metallurgical Processes' which led to this book was one in an annual series of such meetings first held in December 1983. The existence of the Wolfson Group is due to the enthusiasm of its original advocate, the late Professor J.A. Shercliff FRS, Head of the Department of Engineering who, together with Professor G.K. Batchelor FRS, Professor J.F. Davidson FRS, Dr J.C.R. Hunt, and Dr R.E. Britter, were responsible for the initial application to the Wolfson Foundation and for the subsequent direction of the Group's activities.