I. Proceedings of the Third Finnish-Polish Summer School in Complex Analysis --; (Quasi) Conformal Deformation --; Some elliptic operators in real and complex analysis --; Embedding of Sobolev spaces into Lipschitz spaces --; Quasiregular mappings from?n to closed orientable n-manifolds --; Some upper bounds for the spherical derivative --; On the connection between the Nevanlinna characteristics of an entire function and of its derivative --; Foliations --; Characteristic homomorphism for transversely holomorphic foliations via the Cauchy-Riemann equations --; Complex premanifolds and foliations --; Geometric Algebra --; Mo?bius transformations and Clifford algebras of euclidean and anti-euclidean spaces --; II. Complex Analytic Geometry --; Uniformization --; Doubles of atoroidal manifolds, their conformal uniformization and deformations --; Hyperbolic Riemann surfaces with the trivial group of automorphisms --; Algebraic Geometry --; On the Hilbert scheme of curves in a smooth quadric --; A contribution to Keller's Jacobian conjecture II --; Local properties of intersection multiplicity --; Generalized Padé approximants of Kakehashi's type and meromorphic continuation of functions --; Several Complex Variables --; Three remarks about the Caratheodory distance --; On the convexity of the Kobayashi indicatrix --; Boundary regularity of the solution of the??-equation in the polydisc --; Holomorphic chains and extendability of holomorphic mappings --; Remarks on the versal families of deformations of holomorphic and transversely holomorphic foliations --; Hurwitz Pairs --; Hurwitz pairs and octonions --; Hermitian pre-Hurwitz pairs and the Minkowski space --; III. Real Analytic Geometry --; (Quasi) Conformal Deformation --; Morphisms of Klein surfaces and Stoilow's topological theory of analytic functions --; Generalized gradients and asymptotics of the functional trace --; Holomorphic quasiconformal mappings in infinite-dimensional spaces --; Algebraic Geometry --; Product singularities and quotients of linear groups --; Approximation and extension of C? functions defined on compact subsets of?n --; Potential Theory --; New existence theorems and evaluation formulas for analytic Feynman integrals --; On the construction of potential vectors and generalized potential vectors depending on time by a contraction principle --; Symbolic calculus applied to convex functions and associated diffusions --; Lagrangian for the so-called non-potential system: the case of magnetic monopoles --; Hermitian Geometry --; Examples of deformations of almost hermitian structures.
Text of Note
These Proceedings contain selected papers by the speakers invited to the Seminar on Deformations, organized in 1985/87 by Julian tawryno wicz (t6dz), whose most fruitful parts took place in 1986 in Lublin during the 3rd Finnish-Polish Summer School in Complex Analysis [in cooperation with O. Martio (JyvliskyHl)] held simultaneously with the 9th Conference on Analytic Function in Poland [in cooperation with S. Dimiev (Sofia), P. Dolbeault (Paris), K. Spallek (Bochum), and E. Vesen tini (Pisa)]. The Lublin session of the Seminar, organized jointly with S. Dimiev and K. Spallek, was preceded by a session organized by them at Druzhba (near Varna) in 1985 and followed by a similar session at Druzhba in 1987. The collection contains 31 papers connected with deformations of mathematical structures in the context of complex analysis with physi cal applications: (quasi)conformal deformation uniformization, potential theory, several complex variables, geometric algebra, algebraic ge ometry, foliations, Hurwitz pairs, and Hermitian geometry. They are research papers in final form: no version of them will be submitted for publication elsewhere. In contrast to the previous volume (Seminar on Deformations, Proceedings, L6dz-WarsaUJ 1982/84, ed. by J.-i:.awrynowicz, Lecture Notes in Math. 1165, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg- -New York-Tokyo 1985, X + 331 pp.) open problems are not published as separate research notes, but are included in the papers.
Parallel Title
Selected Papers from the Seminar on Deformations, Lódz-Lublin, 1985/87