NATO ASI series., Series E,, Applied sciences ;, 315.
Text of Note
Photonic Band Gaps: Introduction. An Introduction to Photonic Crystals; J.D. Joannopoulous. Photonic Band Gap Materials; R. Biswas, et al. Micromachined Photonic Band Gap Crystals: From Microwave to the Far-Infrared; E. OEzbay. Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Photonic Band Gap Material by Deep X-Ray Lithography; G. Feiertag, et al. Bloch Wave Optics in Photonic Crystals: Physics and Applications; P.St.J. Russell, T.A. Birks. Optical Measurements of Photonic Band Structure in Colloidal Crystals; I. Inanc Tarhan, G.H. Watson. Influence of Optical Band Structures on the Diffraction of Photonic Colloidal Crystals; W.L. Vos, et al. From Micromaser to Microlaser; O. Benson, et al. Elastic Waves in Periodic Composite Materials; M. Kafesaki, et al. Photonic Band Gaps: Metallic Structures and Transmission. 3-D Metallic Photonic Bandgap Structures; D.F. Sievenpiper, et al. Photonic Band Gap Structures: Studies of the Transmission Coefficient; M. Sigalas, et al. Transfer Matrix Techniques for Electromagnetic Waves; J.B. Pendry, P.M. Bell. Layer-by-Layer Methods in the Study of Photonic Crystals and Related Problems; A. Modinos, et al. Electromagnetic Field Distributions in Complex Dielectric Structures; P.M. Bell, et al. Photonic Band Structures and Resonant Modes; P.J. Roberts, et al. Photonic Band Structures of Systems with Components Characterized by Frequency-Dependent Dielectric Functions; A.A. Maradudin, et al. Photonic Band Structures of 1D and 2D Periodic Systems with Metallic Components in the Presence of Dissipation; V. Kuzmiak, A.A. Maradudin. Band Structure and Transmission of Photonic Media: A Real-Space Finite-Difference Calculation with the R-Matrix Propagator; J. Merle Elson, P.Tran. Photonic Band Gaps: Applications. Microwave Applications of Photonic Crystals; E.R. Brown, et al. Optimized Antennas on Photonic Band Gap Crystals; R. Biswas, et al. Design Considerations for a 2-D Photonic Band Gap Accelerator Cavity; D.R. Smith, et al. Microcavities in Channel Waveguides; P.R. Villeneuve, et al. Exploring the Two-Dimensional Photonic Bandgap in Semiconductors; T. Krauss, R.M. de la Rue. 2D Photonic Band Gap Structures in Fibre Form; T.A. Birks, et al. Dispersion, Tunability, and Applications of Defect Modes in Photonic Band-Gap Structures; R.D. Pechstedt, et al. Fabrication of 2-D Infrared Photonic Crystals in Macroporous Silicon; U. Gruning, V. Lehmann. Photonic Band Gaps: 1D and 2D Structures. Techniques for Bandstructures and Defect States in Photonic Crystals; K. Busch, et al. Impurity Modes from Frequency Dependent Dielectric Impurities in Photonic Band Structures; A.R. McGurn, M. Khazhinsky. Two-Dimensional Photonic Band Gaps: New Hexagonal Structures; D. Cassange, et al. Photonic Band Gaps in Complex-Unit Systems and Quasi One-Dimensional Waveguides; R. Akis, et al. Theory of Light Scattering Through a Two-Dimensional Periodic Array; D. Andre, et al. Two-Dimensional Guides with Photonic Band Gap Boundaries: Mode Structures; H. Benisty. Second Harmonic Scattering from Sites of a Crystalline Lattice; J. Martorell, et al. Multistability and Switching in Nonlinear Layered Optical and Electronic Media; N.G. Sun, G.P. Tsironis. Waveguides in Periodic Structures with Smoothly Varying Parameters; V.V. Konotop. Photonic Band Structure Calculation of System Possessing Kerr Nonlinearity; P. Tran. Photonic Band Gaps and Localization.
Text of Note
Photonic band gap crystals offer unique ways to tailor light and the propagation of electromagnetic waves. In analogy to electrons in a crystal, EM waves propagating in a structure with a periodically-modulated dielectric constant are organized into photonic bands separated by gaps in which propagating states are forbidden. Proposed applications of such photonic band gap crystals, operating at frequencies from microwave to optical, include zero- threshold lasers, low-loss resonators and cavities, and efficient microwave antennas. Spontaneous emission is suppressed for photons in the photonic band gap, offering novel approaches to manipulating the EM field and creating high-efficiency light-emitting structures. Photonic Band Gap Materials identifies three most promising areas of research. The first is materials fabrication, involving the creation of high quality, low loss, periodic dielectric structures. The smallest photonic crystals yet fabricated have been made by machining Si wafers along (110), and some have lattice constants as small as 500 microns. The second area is in applications. Possible applications presented are microwave mirrors, directional antennas, resonators (especially in the 2 GHz region), filters, waveguides, Y splitters, and resonant microcavities. The third area covers fundamentally new physical phenomena in condensed matter physics and quantum optics. An excellent review of recent development, covering theoretical, experimental and applied aspects. Interesting and stimulating reading for active researchers, as well as a useful reference for non-specialists.
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Elounda, Crete, Greece, June 18-30, 1995