NATO ASI series., Series C,, Mathematical and physical sciences ;, 286.
Text of Note
Modelling and Theories of Alloy Phase Behavior (L) --; The 'Macroscopic Atom' Model: An Easy Tool to Predict Thermodynamic Quantities (L) --; An Electronic Theory of Binary Transition Metal BCC Phases (S) --; Thermodynamic Datasets for Systems with Solution Phases (L) --; Magnetic-Induced Tricritical Point in Alloys and the Low-Temperature Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Cr Phase Diagrams (L) --; Application of Ternary Phase Diagrams to GaAs-Metal Contacts (S) --; Estimated and Measured Excess Functions and Phase Diagram of Ternary Alloys (S) --; Calorimetric Methods in Metallurgy (L) --; Results of Enthalpy Measurements on Refractory Metals by Levitation Calorimetry (S) --; Study of the Hg-In Liquid Alloy by Using the Piezothermal Method (1 bar Thermodynamic Behaviour of Oxygen in Molten Metallic Alloys (S) --; Thermodynamics of Liquid Alloys (L) --; Metallic Glasses (L) --; Aspects of High Temperature Corrosion of Metals by Gases (L) --; The Hot Corrosion of Metals by Fused Salts (L) --; Mixed Oxidation of Materials in High Temperature Environments Containing Chlorine (S) --; Thermodynamics of Carbide-Fluoride Systems in Pack Cementation Deposition (S) --; Corrosion and Hydrogen Permeation Studies in Metal Alloy Films (S) --; The Simultaneous Chromizing-Aluminizing Coating of Austenitic Stainless Steels (S) --; List of Contributers --; List of Participants.
Text of Note
The thermochemistry of alloys has interested generations of scientists and the subject was treated in classical textbooks long ago, e.g. by Hume-Rothery, by Wagner, and by Kubaschewski and Alcock. Nevertheless, the appearance of new materials and the desire to improve traditional materials and metallurgical processes has kept up demand for more information on the thermodynamics of these systems. The advent of computing power has created new opportunities to tie various aspects and properties together, such as phase diagrams and thermodynamic functions, that are in principle thermodynamically inter related but were too cumbersome to work out before. The computer has also been a powerful tool in buUding and testing models that help to explain the underlying causes of non-ideal behavior. At the same time, these calculations have pinpointed areas, where additional and more accurate data are needed. In the laboratory, new methods, improved materials, and sophistica ted instrumentation have gradually changed the way in which experiments are done. Within the time span of perhaps thirty years, the development went from jotting down individual readings of data points to strip chart recording to automatic digital data acquisition. Scholars and students active in the field of "Thermochemistry of Alloys" convened for a NATO Advanced Study Institute at Kiel in August 1987 to discuss these developments. This book collects most of the lectures and seminar papers given at the Institute.
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Kiel, Germany, August 16-27, 1987