1 The Development of Antimicrobial Agents, Past, Present and Future --; The social and economic importance of antimicrobial agents --; An outline of the historical development of antimicrobial agents and of chemotherapeutic theories --; Reasons for studying the biochemistry of antimicrobial compounds --; Development of biochemical knowledge of antimicrobial action --; Scope and layout of the present book --; 2 The Bacterial Cell Wall --; A Vulnerable Shield --; Functions of the wall --; Wall structure --; Structure and biosynthesis of peptidoglycan --; Antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan biosynthesis --; 3 Antiseptics, Antibiotics and the Cell Membrane --; Microbe killers: antiseptics and disinfectants --; Polypeptide antibiotics --; Ionophoric antibiotics --; Polyene antibiotics --; An inhibitor of membrane phospholipid biosynthesis --; 4 Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid Synthesis --; Compounds affecting the biosynthesis of nucleotide precursors --; Inhibitors of nucleic acid synthesis at the polymerization level --; 5 Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis --; Ribosomes --; Stages in protein biosynthesis --; Puromycin --; Inhibitors of aminoacyl-tRNA formation --; Inhibitors of initiation-complex formation and tRNA --; ribosome interaction --; Inhibitors of peptide bond formation and translocation --; Nucleic acid synthesis during inhibition of protein synthesis --; Effects of inhibitors of 70S ribosomes on eukaryotic cells --; 6 Antifungal, Antiprotozoal and Antiviral Agents --; Compounds used to treat protozoal diseases --; Compounds used to treat fungal diseases --; Compounds used to treat virus diseases --; 7 Penetrating the Defences: How Antimicrobial Agents Reach Their Targets --; Cellular permeability barriers to drug penetration --; Some examples of modes of penetration of antimicrobial agents --; The exploitation of transport systems in the design of new antimicrobial agents --; 8 Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs --; The genetics of drug resistance --; Spread of drug resistance by gene transfer --; Biochemical mechanisms of drug resistance --; Bacterial tolerance --; Practical approaches to the control of drug resistance.
Text of Note
The rapid advances made in the study of the synthesis, structure and function of biological macromolecules in the last fifteen years have enabled scientists concerned with antimicrobial agents to achieve a considerable measure of understanding of how these substances inhibit cell growth and division. The use of antimicrobial agents as highly specific inhibitors has in turn substantially assisted the investigation of complex biochemical pro cesses. The literature in Ihis field is so extensive however, that we considered an attempt should be made to draw together in an introductory book the more significant studies of recent years. This book, which is in fact based on lec ture courses given by us to undergraduates at Liverpool and Manchester Universities, is therefore intended as an introduction 'to the biochemistry of antimicrobial action for advanced students in many disciplines. We hope that it may also be useful to established scientists who are new to this area of research. The book is concerned with a discussion of medically important antimicro bial compounds and also a number of agents that, although having no medical uses, have proved invaluable as research tools in biochemistry. Our aim has been to esent pr the available information in a simple and readable way, emphasizing the established facts rather than more controversial material. Whenever possible, however, we have indicated the gaps in the present knowledge of the subject where further information is required.