NATO science series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences, 71
Text of Note
Originally published: 1993.
Text of Note
Preface. Theme 1: Design Methodology as an Emerging Design Discipline. Design Methodology and Relationships with Science: Introduction; M.J. de Vries. A History of Design Methodology; N. Cross. Theme 2: Historical and Contemporary Case Studies. Science and the Design of Mechanical and Optical Devices: A Few Case Studies; F. Le Guet Tully. Housing Location for Low Income Residents: An Architectural Case Study of Simulating Conflicts of Interest and Generating Compromise Proposals; D.P. Grant. Engineering Design, Conceptual Design and Design Theory; W.R. Spillers, S.L. Newsome. Theme 3: Philosophical/Methodological Perspectives. Designing: Design Knowledge: Design Research: Related Sciences; N. Bayazit. Science in Engindeering, One Component of the Science of Engineering Design; W.E. Eder. Design, Science and Philosophy: The Praxiological Perspective; W.W. Gasparski. Designs are Cultural Alloys, STeMPJE Approach in Design Methodology; A. Sarlemijn. Methods for Madness: Formalization and Automation of Generative Processes in Class 1 Creative Design; M.D. Eckersley. Rhetoric and the Productive Sciences: Towards a New Program for Research in Design; R. Buchanan. Theme 4: Educational Implications. Innovation and Design for Developing Technological Capabilities in General Education; D. Blandow. Design Education and Science: Practical Implications; R. McCormick. Subject Index.