Annals of Systems Research, Publication of the Netherlands Society for Systems Research ;, 6.
Text of Note
Constraint analysis and structure identification II --; A comparison of some Dutch spelling reform proposals affecting verb inflection --; Regular Career Systems II --; Testing auxiliary hypotheses behind the interview --; State space models for animal behaviour --; Key words in natural languages, a problem of system analysis --; Species abundance with optimum relations to environmental factors --; A new data compression technique.
Text of Note
The Netherlands Society for Systems Research was founded on 9 May 1970 to promote interdisciplinary scientific activity on basis of a systems approach. It has its seat in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Officers for the year 1978: President: G. Broekstra, Graduate School of Management, Delft Secretary: N.J.T.A. Kramer, Department ofIndustrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Postbus 513, Eindhoven. Treasurer: J.N. Herbschleb, University of Utrecht. All information about the society can be obtained from the secretary. The editor ADDRESSES OF AUTHORS Boot, M., Institute of Applied and Computational Linguistics, State University Utrecht, Wilhelminapark 11, Utrecht, The Netherlands Broekstra, G., Graduate School of Management, Poortweg 6--8, Delft, The Netherlands Dijkstra, W., Free University, Department of Research Methods, De Boele laan 1115, Amsterdam, The Netherlands V.J.J.P., University of Leiden, Institute of Phonetics, Schut Van Heuven, tersveld 9, Leiden, The Netherlands Kooijman, S.A.L.M., Central Lab. TNO, Postbus 217, Delft, The Nether lands Koppelaar, H., State University Utrecht, Department of Psychology, Model and Statistics Group, Jacobsstraat 14, Utrecht, The ling, Psychometrics Netherlands Kruijt, D., State University Utrecht, Department of Sociology, Center for Comparative Socio-economic studies, Heidelberglaan 2, Utrecht, The Netherlands Metz, H.A.J., University of Leiden, Institute of Theoretical Biology, Stations weg 25, Leiden, The Netherlands Verhoeff, J., Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Van der Zouwen, J.