The Vascular Surgical Emergency.- 1 Occulsion.- Arterial Embolism.- Arterial Thrombosis.- Acute Venous Thrombosis.- Acute Thrombosis of the Axillary Vein.- The Tourniquet Syndrome.- 2 Aneurysm.- True Aneurysm.- False Aneurysm.- Dissecting Aneurysm.- 3 Trauma.- Open Vascular Injuries.- Closed Vascular Injuries.- Iatrogenic Vascular Injuries.- 4 Compression or Alteration of Vessels Caused by Tumor Formation.- Minimal Emergency Instrumentarium.- 1 Gelpi's Retractor.- 2 Metzenbaum's Scissors (Modified).- 3 Potts' Vascular Scissors.- 4 Atraumatic Forceps.- 5 Walton's Atraumatic Needle Holder.- 6 Walton's Atraumatic Needle Holder (Detail).- 7 Halstead's Clamp.- 8 Freer-Kieny's Dissecting Spatula.- 9 Scalpel (No. 11 Blade).- 10 Fogarty's Embolectomy Catheter.- 11 DeBakey's Atraumatic Vascular Clamps.- 12 Mock Needle to Prepare the Bypass Vein.- Preparation for Surgery.- Basic Vascular Surgical Techniques.- 1 Plastic Closure of a Longitudinal Arteriotomy with a Venous Patch.- 2 Technique of Venous Patch Plastic Surgery.- 3 Basic Measures Before Finishing a Venous Patch Operation (or any Form of Vascular Anastomosis): "Flushing".- 4 End-to-End Anastomosis of an Artery (Simplest Method).- 5 Method of Preparation of the Central Great Saphenous Vein of the Right Leg.- 6 Preparation of a Removed Vein for an Oblique End-to-Side Anastomosis.- 7 Oblique End-to-Side Anastomosis Between a Vein and an Artery.- 8 Oblique End-to-Side Anastomosis Between a Teflon Plastic Prosthesis and an Artery.- 9 Preparation of a Plastic Dacron Prosthesis for a Patch.- 10 Various Forms of Anastomoses Between Plastic (Dacron) Prostheses and Arteries.- Typical Emergency Situations.- 11 Embolic Occlusion of the Right Common Femoral Artery at the Point of Bifurcation.- 12 Simple Puncture Wound of the Right Femoral Artery.- 13 Severe Penetrating Injury of the Common Femoral Artery.- 14 Tearing of the Large Saphenous Vein from the Femoral Vein.- 15 Severe Penetrating Injury of the Common Femoral Vein.- 16 False Aneurysm of the Common Femoral Artery.- 17 Thrombectomy of the Right Femoral Vein.- 18 Exposure of the Popliteal Artery.- 19 Acute Occlusion of the Popliteal Artery by a Thrombosed True Aneurysm.- 20 False Aneurysm of the Axillary Artery.- 21 Embolic Obstruction of the Cubital Artery.- 22 Open Luxation of the Lower Arm with Tearing Out of the Cubital Artery.- 23 Operation for Inguinal Hernia with Injury to the Right Common Femoral Vein.- 24 Injury of the Axillary Vein During Mastectomy.- 25 Injury of the Common Iliac Vein During Removal of a Female Genital Carcinoma.- 26 Closed Fracture of the Shaft of the Humerus with Injury of the Brachial Artery.- 27 Exposure of the Axillary Artery Distal to the Clavicle for Grafting an Emergency Axillo-femoral Bypass.- 28 Emergency Exposure of Right External Illiac Artery.- 29 Spanning an Infected Vascular Wound in the Right Groin with an Extra-anatomical Iliaco-femoral Bypass.- 30 Injury of the Superficial Femoral/Popliteal Artery with an "Awl" While Boring Through the Thigh Bone.- 31 Injury of the Right Common Carotid Artery in Tracheotomy.- References.