edited by Carol Percy and Mary Catherine Davidson.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Multilingual Matters
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xiv, 306 s.
Series Title
Multilingual matters, 148
Text of Note
1. Introduction: Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Perspectives on National Language Norms - Carol Percy and Mary Catherine Davidson 2. Preface: Language, Prescriptivism, Nationalism and Identity - John Edwards Section 1. Managing Language Policies 3. William Cecil and the Rectification of English - Ian Lancashire 4. Prescribing Pastoral and Pragmatic Orientations: Challenges for Language Policy - Lionel Wee Section 2. Colonialism and Literary Canons 5. Mutual Preservation of Standard Language and National Identity in Early Modern Wales - John D. Phillips 6. "A Highly Poetical Language"? Scots, Burns, Patriotism and Evaluative Language in 19th Century Literary Reviews and Articles - Marina Dossena Section 3. Transmarine and Transatlantic Allegiances 7. Language and National Identity in 17th and 18th century England - Linda C. Mitchell 8. "A la mode de Paris": Linguistic Patriotism and Francophobia in 18th century Britain - Joan C. Beal 9. Pronouncing Dictionaries between Patriotism and Prescriptivism: Perspectives on Provincialism in Webster's America - Massimo Sturiale Section 4. Re-defining Boundaries: Ideology and Language Norms 10. Patriotism, Empire, and Cultural Prescriptivism: Images of Anglicity in the OED - Lynda Mugglestone 11. You Say Nucular, I Say Yourstupid: Popular Prescriptivism in the Politics of the United States - Don Chapman Section 5. Identifying Norms and Attitudes in Postcolonial Contexts 12. English and Pidgin in Cameroon: Peaceful or Conflicting Co-existence? - Jean-Paul Kouega 13. "Susu" not "Sousou": Nationalism, Prescriptivism, and Etymology in a Post-colonial Creole Language Orthography - Lise Winer Section 6. Prescribing Norms beyond Borders: Foreign Language Teaching 14. Rules for the Neighbours: Prescriptions of the German Language for British Learners - Nicola McLelland 15. Nativeness, Authority, Authenticity: The Construction of Belonging and Exclusion in Debates about English Language Proficiency and Immigration in Britain - Martin Gill
Linguistic minorities -- Education -- Social aspects -- Cross-cultural studies.