Cover; Title page; Copyright page; Dedication page; Contents; Acknowledgments & Sources; Introduction; THE WINGS START TO GROW Duncan Grinnell-Milne; THE RED AIR FIGHTER Manfred von Richthofen; BLUE NOSE William A. Bishop; SAGITTARIUS RISING Cecil Lewis; LETTERS HOME H.G. Downing; FLYING FURY James McCudden; DEATH FLIES FASTER Ernst Udet; CRASHES AND COCKTAILS John McGavock Grider; PRISONER OF WAR James Norman Hall; A REGULAR DOG-FIGHT AND THE STRAFING OF A DRACHEN Eddie V. Rickenbacker; ACTION Paul Richey; BATTLE OF BRITAIN DIARY D.H. Wissler; FINEST HOUR John Beard; TALLY HO! Roger Hall. SHALL I LIVE FOR A GHOST? Richard HillaryNIGHT FIGHTER Roderick Chisholm; DOGSBODY James "Johnnie" Johnson; THE FLYING TIGERS Claire L. Chennault; TO KILL A MAN Gunther Bloemertz; THE STRAITS OF MESSINA Johannes Steinhoff; BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP "Pappy" Boyington; HEAVY BABIES Heinz Knoke; MISSION TO REGENSBURG Beirne Lay; FLYING HIGH Chuck Yeager; MARINE CRUSADER Bruce Martin; NIGHT MISSION ON THE HO CHI MINH TRAIL Mark E. Berent; SEA HARRIER OVER THE FALKLANDS Sharkey Ward; INTERROGATION John Nichol; APPENDIX I: GERMAN WAR BIRDS Anton H.G. Fokker; APPENDIX II: DICTA BOELCKE.
Text of Note
From yesteryear's flying aces to today's top guns, The Mammoth Book of Fighter Pilots presents, in the words of the combat pilots who fought them, fifty incredible air battles that have shaped military history in the twentieth century. Veteran anthologist Jon E. Lewis has assembled firsthand accounts from all the great military campaigns of aerial warfare, including World Wars I and II, the Spanish Civil War, Korea, Vietnam, the Falklands, the Gulf, and Bosnia. Page after exciting page of this singular collection brings into vivid play the exploits of such legendary pilots as Manfred von Richt.
Aeronautics, Military -- Great Britain -- History.