choose the right plant, water wisely, and control pests
First Statement of Responsibility
by Ellen Zachos.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
North Adams, MA
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Storey Publishing
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Series Title
Storey basics.
Text of Note
Light, how much is enough? --; Water and humidity, getting it right --; The growing medium --; Cool tools --; Pests (insects and otherwise!) --; Diseases --; Repotting: it has to happen sometime --; Good grooming --; Propagation: making more plants --; Vacation for you, vacation for your plants --; It's all in the display --; Foliage --; Flowering plants --; Trees --; Cacti.
Text of Note
This concise guide shows novice houseplant owners exactly how to keep indoor plants alive and healthy. Gardening expert Ellen Zachos helps you choose the right plants in the first place and then shows you how to care for them, outlining what each kind needs in terms of location, sunlight, water, and fertilizer. She also explains when plants should be repotted (and how to do that successfully), how and when to prune them, how to keep them clean of dust and pets, and more. This Storey'Basics guide has all the information you need to keep any houseplant thriving and beautiful! '