The Mycota, A Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as Experimental Systems for Basic and Applied Research, 6.
Text of Note
Human Associations and Toxic Metabolites --; 1 Fungal Factors Implicated in Pathogenesis --; 2 Biochemistry of Enzymatic Pathogenicity Factors --; 3 Cell-Mediated Immunity --; 4 Humoral Immunity --; 5 Yeast Infections in the Immunocompromised Host --; 6 Infections Due to the Dimorphic Fungi --; 7 Opportunistic Mold Infections --; 8 Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome --; 9 Allergic Respiratory Responses to Fungi --; 10 Mechanisms of Mycotoxicity --; 11 Epidemiology of Mycotoxin-Related Disease --; 12 Toxins and Psychoactive Compounds from Mushrooms --; Animal Associations --; 13 Veterinary Mycology --; 14 Biochemistry and Ecology of Anaerobic Fungi --; 15 Fungal Diseases of Fish and Shellfish --; 16 Trichomycetes and the Arthropod Gut --; 17 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Entomopathogenic Fungi --; 18 Fungi and Insects --; Generic Index.
Text of Note
The Series The fungi represent a heterogeneous assemblage of eukaryotic microorganisms and have become favored organisms for research at the cellular and molecular level. Such research involvement has been stimulated by interest in the biotechnological application of fungi in processes related to industry, agriculture and ecology. Considering both yeasts and mycelial fungi, THE MYCOTA highlights developments in both basic and applied research and presents an overview of fungal systematics and cell structure. Foremost authorities in research on mycology have been assembled to edit and contribute to the volumes. This Volume The sixth volume includes: Pathogenesis, Toxicosis, Mycotoxins, Allergenic Responses, Cell-Mediated Immunity.