1. Introduction --; 2. Basic Properties of RAMs (Random Access Memories) --; 3. Electrical Breakdown (DRAMs and NV-RAMs) --; 4. Leakage Currents --; 5. Capacitance --; Voltage Data: C(V) --; 6. Switching Kinetics --; 7. Charge Injection and Fatigue --; 8. Frequency Dependence --; 9. Phase Sequences in Processing --; 10. SBT-Family Aurivillius-Phase Layer Structures --; 11. Deposition and Processing --; 12. Nondestructive Read-Out Devices --; 13. Ferroelectrics-on-Superconductor Devices: Phased-Array Radar and 10-100 GHz Devices --; 14. Wafer Bonding --; 15. Electron-Emission and Flat-Panel Displays --; 16. Optical Devices --; 17. Nanophase Devices --; 18. Drawbacks and Disadvantages.
Text of Note
Ferroelectric memories have changed in 10 short years from academic curiosities of the university research labs to commercial devices in large-scale production. This is the first text on ferroelectric memories that is not just an edited collection of papers by different authors. Intended for applied physicists, electrical engineers, materials scientists and ceramists, it includes ferroelectric fundamentals, especially for thin films, circuit diagrams and processsing chapters, but emphazises device physics. Breakdown mechanisms, switching kinetics and leakage current mechanisms have lengthly chapters devoted to them. The book will be welcomed by research scientists in industry and government laboratories and in universities. It also contains 76 problems for students, making it particularly useful as a textbook for fourth-year undergraduate or first-year graduate students.