1. Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics --; 1.1 Central Force Problem and Orbital Angular Momentum --; 1.2 General Definitions of Angular Momentum --; 1.3 Total Angular Momentum for a Spin 1/2 Particle --; 1.4 Coupling of Two Angular Momenta: Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients --; 1.5 Properties of Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients --; 1.6 Racah Recoupling Coefficients: Coupling of Three Angular Momenta --; 1.7 Symmetry Properties of 6j-Symbols --; 1.8 Wigner 9j-Symbols: Coupling and Recoupling of Four Angular Momenta --; 1.9 Classical Limit of Wigner 3j-Symbols --; Short Overview of Angular Momentum Coupling Formulas --; 2. Rotations in Quantum Mechanics --; 2.1 Rotation of a Scalar Field-Rotation Group O(3) --; 2.2 General Groups of Transformations --; 2.3 Representations of the Rotation Operator --; 2.4 Product Representations and Irreducibility --; 2.5 Cartesian Tensors, Spherical Tensors, Irreducible Tensors --; 2.6 Tensor Product --; 2.7 Spherical Tensor Operators: The Wigner-Eckart Theorem --; 2.8 Calculation of Matrix Elements --; 3. The Nuclear Shell Model --; 3.1 One-particle Excitations --; 3.2 Two-particle Systems: Identical Nucleons --; 3.3 Three-particle Systems and Beyond --; 3.4 Non-identical Particle Systems: Isospin --; 4. Electromagnetic Properties in the Shell Model --; 4.1 General --; 4.2 Electric and Magnetic Multipole Operators --; 4.3 Single-particle Estimates and Examples --; 4.4 Electromagnetic Transitions in Two-particle Systems --; 4.5 Quadrupole Moments --; 4.6 Magnetic Dipole Moment --; 4.7 Additivity Rules for Static Moments --; 5. Second Quantization --; 5.1 Creation and Annihilation Operators --; 5.2 Operators in Second Quantization --; 5.3 Angular Momentum Coupling in Second Quantization --; 5.4 Hole Operators in Second Quantization --; 5.5 Normal Ordering, Contraction, Wick's Theorem --; 5.6 Application to the Hartree-Fock Formalism --; 6. Elementary Modes of Excitation: Particle-Hole Excitations at Closed Shells --; 6.1 General --; 6.2 The TDA Approximation --; 6.3 The RPA Approximation --; 6.4 Application of the Study of 1p-1h Excitations: 16O --; 7. Pairing Correlations: Particle-Particle Excitations in Open-Shell Nuclei --; 7.1 Introduction --; 7.2 Pairing in a Degenerate Single j-Shell --; 7.3 Pairing in Non-Degenerate Levels: Two-Particle Systems --; 7.4 n Particles in Non-Degenerate Shells: BCS-Theory --; 7.5 Applications of BCS --; 7.6 Broken-Pair Model --; 7.7 Interacting Boson-Model Approximation to the Nuclear Shell Model --; 8. Self-Consistent Shell-Model Calculations --; 8.1 Introduction --; 8.2 Construction of a Nucleon-Nucleon Force: Skyrme Forces --; 8.3 Excited-State Properties of SkE Forces --; 9. Some Computer Programs --; 9.1 Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients --; 9.2 Wigner 6j-Symbol --; 9.3 Wigner 9j-Symbol --; 9.4 Calculation of Table of Slater Integrals --; 9.5 Calculation of?-Matrix Element --; 9.6 Matrix Diagonalization --; 9.7 Radial Integrals Using Harmonic Oscillator Wave Functions --; 9.8 BCS Equations with Constant Pairing Strength --; A. The Angular Momentum Operator in Spherical Coordinates --; B. Explicit Calculation of the Transformation Coefficients for Three-Angular Momentum Systems --; C. Tensor Reduction Formulae for Tensor Products --; D. The Surface-Delta Interaction (SDI) --; G. The Magnetic Multipole Operator --; H.A Two-Group (Degenerate) RPA Model --; I. The Condon-Shortley and Biedenharn-Rose Phase Conventions: Application to Electromagnetic Operators and BCS Theory --; 1.1 Electromagnetic Operators: Long-Wavelength Form and Matrix Elements --; 1.2 Properties of the Electromagnetic Multipole Operators Under Parity Operation, Time Reflection and Hermitian Conjugation --; 1.3 Phase Conventions in the BCS Formalism --; Problems --; References.
Text of Note
This book evolved from a course in theoretical nuclear physics taught over seven years at the University of Gent and is thus well suited to and tested for lecture courses. The nuclear shell model is introduced from basic techniques such as angular momentum and tensor algebra. The material is developed from the beginning up to the present state-of-the-art calculations using self-consistent residual interactions. Problem sets and simple computer codes are included to facilitate a better acquaintance with the subject. The appendices constitute an integral part of the text going into depth on a number of technical derivations to provide the reader with a detailed background facilitating active research. The book introduces the subject to advanced undergraduate and to graduate students providing them with knowledge and techniques for own research in this field. It is a highly useful prerequisite for lecturers teaching modern nuclear physics.