Introduction --; Zionist power in America. Controlling minds through media --; Zionists, neocons and the Iraq War --; September 11: the neocons' new Pearl Harbour --; "Good for Israel" --; False flag terrorism: Israel's history of deception --; The grand deception: Israel and 9/11. Framing Palestinians. Al-Qaeda mythology. The 19 hijackers: villains or patsies? Zionists and the World Trade Center. Federal stooges --; Controlling the discourse --; The ideological weapon: Holocaust dogma and Zionist militarism --; Nazi-Zionist collusion --; Whitewashing communist and Anglo-American crimes --; Hidden history: Jewish extremists and bloody Bolshevism --; Jewish supremacy and the multicultural experiment. The Kalergi plan and White genocide --; Sudan, Libya, Syria and Iran: the Yinon plan marches forward. Sudan. Libya. Syria. Iran --; Conclusion.