Dynamical Processes and Ordering on Solid Surfaces :
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
Proceedings of the Seventh Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, September 10-14, 1984
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Akio Yoshimori, Masaru Tsukada.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(xii, 195 pages 89 illustrations)
Series Title
Springer series in solid-state sciences, 59.
Text of Note
I Dynamical Processes --; Quantum Theory of Rotational and Vibrational Energy-Transfer at Surfaces --; Dynamical Aspects in Chemical Reactions Near Solid Surfaces-Special Reference to the Ortho-Para Conversion on Magnetic Surfaces --; A Stochastic Trajectory Approach to Gas-Surface Inelastic Collisions --; Improvements to the Trajectory Approximation in Atom-Surface Scattering --; Theory of Surface Dynamical Processes with Gas-Solid Electron Transfer --; Non-Adiabatic Processes in Field Desorption Phenomena --; Theory of Charge Exchange Collisions at Solid Surfaces --; Energy Dissipation at Metal Surfaces: The Electron-Hole Pair Mechanism --; Energy Dissipation Under Time-Dependent Local Perturbations --; Effects of Intraatomic Coulomb Interaction in the Time-Dependent Newns-Anderson Model --; Ionization Probabilities of Desorbed Atoms --; Density-Functional Studies of the Atom-Surface Interaction and the Ionization Probability of Sputtered Atoms --; Adsorbate-Surface Interactions --; Applications of Force Analysis to Interactions Between Oxygen Atoms and Surface Atoms on the Al(111) and Mg(0001) Surfaces --; II Optical Processes --; Surface Effects on Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics of Polaritons --; Interference of Polariton Waves in a Thin Film of CuCl: Additional Boundary Conditions and the Effect of Selective Pumping --; Charge-Transfer Instability in Optical Processes of Adsorbates --; Optical Spectra of Adsorbates on Metal Surfaces --; III Ordering --; Rare Gas Monolayers on Crystal Surfaces. Impurity Effects --; The Lattice Gas Model of Surface Ordering --; Electronic Structure of Metal Overlayers on Si(111) Surface --; Commensurate Structures of Ionic Adlayer with Repulsive Long Range Interaction --; Temperature Effect in Surface Reconstruction of Clean and Hydrogen-Adsorbed W(001) Surface --; Phenomenological Analysis of the W(001) Reconstructed Surface --; Index of Contributors.
Text of Note
This volume is the proceedings of the Seventh Taniguchi International Sympo sium on the Theory of Condensed Matter. The symposium was held for five days from September 10 to 14, 1984 at Kashikojima, Mie, Japan. Dynamical proces ses and ordering on solid surfaces are the subjects of the symposium. About twenty participants stayed together at Shima Kanko Hotel, the symposium site, during the period. The intense and productive discussion in the bright sea s ide atmosphere of Kashi koj ima is bel i eved to have been impress i ve to all the participants. Dynamical processes on solid surfaces are the target of recent theoreti cal efforts in surface physics. Even if some of them are still in their in fant stage, important aspects begin to appear and vital concepts start to shape themselves. Some topics in the symposium were the energy transfer re lated with internal degrees of freedom of molecules, attempts to go beyond the trajectory approximati on, charge transfer and energy transfer between particles and solid surfaces, and related fundamental problems like adiaba tic potentials and electronic structures. In particular, really actively di scussed was the time-dependent Newns-Anderson model wi thout and wi th the intraatomic Coulomb interaction and sometimes with the interaction to the surface plasmons or phonons. Surface effects on the optical processes were discussed with great interest, such as the ABC-related problems of exciton polaritons and rare gas adsorbates on metal surfaces.