Information and Control Systems Traffic Management Strategies.- System Optimal Dynamic Assignment for Electronic Route Guidance in a Congested Traffic Network.- Assignment in the Integration of Urban Traffic Control and Dynamic Route Guidance.- Design Aspects of Advanced Traveler Information Systems.- An On-Line Dynamic Traffic Prediction Model for an Inter-Urban Motorway Network.- Network Design Models and Methods for Urban Traffic Management.- Development of a Combined Traffic Signal Control-Traffic Assignment Model.- Traffic Control under Pollutant Emissions Constraints.- Dynamic Network Equilibrium.- Traffic Models for Dynamic Assignment.- A Dynamic User Equilibrium Assignment Model - A Rigorous Formulation.- Approximation to Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment of Peak Period Traffic to a Congested City Network.- Sensitivity Analysis of a Dynamic Equilibrium Model for Route and Arrival Time Choice.- An Algorithm for Extremals Calculation in Optimal Control Problems with Applications to the Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem.- Dynamic Congestion Pricing and the Price of FIFO.- An Equilibrium Assignment Model Based on Simulated Delays.
Text of Note
The problems of urban traffic in the industrially developed countries have been at the top of the priority list for a long time. While making a critical contribution to the economic well being of those countries, transportation systems in general and highway traffic in particular, also have detrimental effects which are evident in excessive congestion, high rates of accidents and severe pollution problems. Scientists from different disciplines have played an important role in the development and refinement of the tools needed for the planning, analysis, and control of urban traffic networks. In the past several years, there were particularly rapid advances in two areas that affect urban traffic: 1. Modeling of traffic flows in urban networks and the prediction of the resulting equilibrium conditions; 2. Technology for communication with the driver and the ability to guide him, by providing him with useful, relevant and updated information, to his desired destination.