Advances in comparative and environmental physiology, 10.
Text of Note
I Mechanosensitive Ion Channels.- 1 Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Bacteria.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Escherichia coli.- 3 Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Other Bacteria.- 4 Perspective.- References.- 2 Mechanosensitive Ion Channels in Yeast. Mechanisms of Activation and Adaptation.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Mechanisms of Activation of Mechanosensitive Channels.- 3 Mechanisms of Adaptation of Mechanosensitive Channels.- 4 Physiological Function of Mechanosensitive Channels in Walled Organisms.- 5 Summary.- References.- 3 Mechanosensory Transduction in Ciliates (Protozoa).- 1 Mechanoreception and Cellular Behaviour.- 2 Physiological Responses to Mechanical Stimulation.- 3 Properties of Mechanosensitive Ion Channels.- 4 Electrical Excitation: Voltage-Dependent Ion Channels.- 5 The Significance of Ion Channel Localization.- 6 Concluding Remarks.- References.- 4 Towards Molecular Mechanism of Activation in Mechanosensitive Ion Channels.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Difficulties in Studying Mechanosensitive Ion Channels.- 3 Analysis of SA Channel Gating Kinetics.- 4 Thermodynamic Models for SA Channel Gating.- 5 Measurement of Membrane Tension.- 6 Conclusions and Future Perspectives.- References.- II Mechanoreceptor Organs.- 5 Gravity Sensing by Higher Plants.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Mechanically Activated Channels in a Model Plant System.- 3 Possible Ways to Open Gravitransductive Channels.- 4 Distribution of Mechanical Stress and Channel Activation.- 5 Activation of Auxin Porters.- 6 Load-Bearing at the Cell Wall Level.- 7 Is Gravitropic Stress-Sensing an Expression of a More General Growth-Regulating System?.- 8 Hydrostatic Pressure.- 9 Statoliths.- References.- 6 Mechanoreceptors in Respiratory Systems.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Upper Airway Receptors.- 3 Mechanoreceptors of the Respiratory Muscles and Joints.- 4 Lower Respiratory Tract and Lungs.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- 7 Cardiovascular Mechanoreceptors.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Location and General Function of Arterial Baroreceptors.- 3 Mechanisms of Activation of Baroreceptors.- 4 Influences of Pulsatile Pressure and Flow on Baroreceptor Discharge.- 5 Adaptation and Resetting of Baroreceptors.- 6 Summary.- References.- 8 Comparative Physiology of Cutaneous Mechanoreceptors.- 1 History.- 2 Types of Receptors.- 3 Special Features in Different Species.- 4 Mechanical Properties and Method of Stimulation.- 5 Sympathetic Control of Mechanoreceptors.- References.- 9 Invertebrate Auditory Receptors.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Basic Structure and Physiology of Auditory Receptors.- 3 Airborne Sound Receptors.- 4 Vibration Receptors.- 5 Selected Reading.- References.- 10 Mechanoelectrical Transduction in Vertebrate Hair Cells.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Electrophysiology of Hair Cells.- 3 Mechanoelectrical Transduction.- 4 Muscarinic Cholinergic Receptor Mechanism Might Mediate the Efferent Innervation to the Hair Cell.- 5 Length Change of the Guinea Pig Outer Hair Cell.- References.- 11 Muscle Mechanoreceptors in Invertebrates.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Occurrence, Location and Gross Morphology of Muscle Receptors.- 3 Fine Structure and Organization of Muscle Receptor Organs.- 4 Functional Properties of Muscle Receptor Organs.- 5 Summary.- References.- 12 Muscle Mechanoreceptors in Nonmammalian Vertebrates.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Spindle Preparation and Parameters of Sensory Axon Terminal.- 3 Distinction Between Spindle Potential and the Actual Receptor Potential.- 4 The Site of Origin and Supposed Role of the Spindle Potential.- 5 A Model of Primary Processes in Sensory Encoding.- 6 Transduction and Mechanosensitive Channel: Ultrastructural Aspects of Frog Muscle Spindle.- 7 Second Messengers in Transduction and Encoding Processes.- References.- 13 Muscle Receptors in Mammals.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Types of Intrafusal Muscle Fibre.- 3 Fusimotor Innervation - The Basic Pattern.- 4 Effects of Contraction of Intrafusal Fibres on Spindle Sensory Endings.- 5 Nonselectivity and the Subdivision of Static ?-Axons.- 6 Summary and Conclusions.- References.