1 The Classification of Soil Silicates and Oxides --; 2 Micas in Macroscopic Forms --; 3 Fine-grained Micas in Soils --; 4 Smectites --; 5 The Crystallography of Minerals of the Kaolin Group --; 6 Vermiculites --; 7 Chlorites --; 8 Interstratified Clay Minerals --; 9 Fibrous Minerals --; 10 Allophane --; 11 Oxides and Hydrous Oxides of Silicon --; 12 Feldspar Minerals --; 13 Heavy Minerals --; 14 Bioliths --; 15 Water in Soils --; 16 The Thermal Characteristics of Soil Minerals and the Use of These Characteristics in the Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Clay Minerals in Soils --; 17 The Characterization of Soil Minerals by Infrared Spectroscopy.
Text of Note
The major components of most soils are inorganic. These constituents are derived from the weathering of rocks and minerals or from subsequent reaetions and interactions of the weathering products. During the weathering and interactions of weathering products, in organic soil colloids are formed. Large amounts of inorganic colloids are essential in soils if they are to support luxurious plant growth. The colloids adsorb water and nutrient element s that might be lost from the soil & ystem and they release these as plants need them. They also adsorb and buffer the soil system against large exces.