I Introduction --; Overview, Technical Papers --; 1 Landslide Hazard --; A Conceptual Approach in Risk Viewpoint --; 2 Flood Hazard Assessment and Mitigation --; 3 The Recognition of Landslides --; 4 Climate Change Impact on Frequency and Distribution of Natural Extreme Events: an Overview --; II Tools and Methodology --; 5 Dendrogeomorphology in Landslide Analysis --; 6 Rainfall and Flow Forecasting Using Weather Radar --; 7 Numerical Modelling Techniques as Predictive Tools of Ground Instability --; 8 New Applications of Monitoring Networks, Multipurpose, Cost/Benefits, Management --; 9 The Importance and the Problems of Cartography --; An Example --; 10 From Meteorological Modelling to Flood Forecasting and the Management of Emergencies --; 11 Real-Time Flood Forecasting Systems: Perspectives and Prospects --; 12 Relationships Between Environment and Man in Terms of Landslide Induced Risk --; III Management and Socio-Economic Aspects --; 13 Innovative Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management --; 14 The Economical Consequences of Floods and Landslides --; 15 Socio-Economic Perspective of Developing Country Megacities Vulnerable to Flood and Landslide Hazards --; 16 The Potentialities of a Risk Disaggregation Between Vulnerability and Hazard: Example of the Relative Stability Induced for Flooding Risk Alleviation --; IV Case Studies --; 17 Landslide Hazard Investigations in the Dolomites (Italy): The Case Study of Cortina d'Ampezzo --; 18 Monitoring and Warning Systems: Methodological Approach and Case Studies --; 19 Mass Movements in Austria --; 20 Landslides and Precipitation: the Event of 4-6th November 1994 in the Piemonte Region, North Italy --; 21 Evaluation of Radar and Panchromatic Imagery for the Study of Flood and Landslide Events in Piemonte, Italy, November 1994 --; 22 Longitudinal Evaluation of the Bed Load Size and of its Mobilisation in a Gravel Bed River --; 23 Morphological Changes in Mountain Rivers During a Flood Event --; 24 Methodological Approach in the Analysis of Two Landslides in a Geologically Complex Area: The Case of Varenna Valley (Ligury).
Text of Note
Scientific reserach on natural disasters is now implementing new methodologies and aproaches as consequences of: 1. mutating impact of extreme natural events in response to societal change like land use, lifelines, communications, transportation, etc.; 2. development which claim for new urban and industrial territories, often in hazard prone areas; 3. impact of modern society on natural climate variability (climate change) and con sequently, on spatial and temporal frequency of extreme events related to hydro logical cycle. As consequence of the above mentioned items it is necessary to develop a global approach to territory in order to understand reciprocous influence between climate dynamics with their extreme consequences like floods and landslides and socio-eco nomic development. In such a way, and in response to societal change, scientific re search on floods and landslides is beginning to loose the classical mono disciplinary approach and it is starting to be a science of the hydrological processes. The course on "Floods and Landslides: integrated risk assessment" held in Orvieto (Italy) 19-26 may 1996, has been organised by the European Commission specifically with the aim of transferring to young European scientists these new views, in order to contribute to a future scientific community, capable to face with the future environ mental problems.