INDUSTRIALENGINEERINGnetBASE.; Advances in human factors and ergonomics series.
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A CRC title.
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Enterprise Management Standardization as a Tool to Promote Continuous Improvement - Case Study of an Automobilistic Factory, L. Wiemes, G. Balbinotti, G. Coutinho, and L. VieiraCognitive Engineering for Self-Optimizing Assembly Systems, M. Mayer, B. Odenthal, M. Faber, W. Kabuss, N. Jochems, and C. SchlickLimits of Control in Advanced Technology and Consequences for Reassigning Accountability, G. GroteA Procedure Approach for the Culture-Adequate Implementation of Production Systems, R. Hensel and B. Spanner-UlmerShaping the Strategy of Knowledge Based Economy of Polish Enterprises, H. Wlodarkiewicz-Klimek and J. Kalkowska Organizational Structure Designing and Knowledge Based Economy. The Research Framework for the Polish Enterprises, E. PawlowskiThe Operator Saves Our Day? - Why Do We Need the Operator? K. Dencker, L. Martensson, A. Fasth, and J. StahreSome Metaphors of Agile Enterprise, S. TrzcielinskiTutorial: Selling Human Factors and Ergonomics in a Successful Way: Creating Enthusiasm for Ergonomics, P. Vink National OSH Programme - The Polish Experience, D. KoradeckaInformation Technologies in Concurrent Engineering in Selected Knowledge Based Economy Companies in Poland - Some Results of Research, J. Kalkowska and H. Wlodarkiewicz-KlimekTotal Ergonomics Management: A Modular Concept for the Integration of Ergonomics into Production Systems, M. Bierwirth, R. Bruder, and K. SchaubHuman Factors in Manufacturing Chaku-Chaku Assembly System - A New Trend in the Automotive Industry. First Results of the Ergonomic Evaluation on a Case Study, J.A. Enriquez Diaz, S. Schiekirka, M. Arenius, F. Ekkehart, and O. StraeterDigital Manual with Wearable Retinal Imaging Display for the Next Innovation in Manufacturing, M. Nakanishi and T. SatoThe Effect of Glove Fit on Task Performance, S. Zschernack and J. StackErgonomic Evaluation of Workload from Deburring Action Done with the Vibrating Hand-Tool, H. Arabi, A. Morais, B. Kapitaniak, and C. GueydanEffect of Grasp-/Contact-Characteristics of Snap Fasteners on Time Requirements and Electromyographic Activity for Snap-Fit Assembly, H. Salmanzadeh, M. Diaz-Meyer, V. Bopp, K. Landau, and R. BruderErgonomic Design of the Viewing Angle in a Computer Numerically Controlled-Electro Discharge Machine Environment, I. Khan and M. AsgharUser-Centered and Adaptive Support Systems for Production Systems, J. Dzaack, B. Hoege, and M. RoettingDesign of a Knowledge Module Embedded in a Framework for a Cognitive System Using the Example of Assembly Tasks, E. Hauck, D. Ewert, D. Schiberg, and S. JeschkeCognitive Engineering for Human-Robot Interaction: The Effect of Subassemblies on Assembly Strategies, B. Odenthal, M. Mayer, N. Jochems, and C. M. SchlickAnalysis of Lower Limb Measurements in Running Progress for High-Performance Slacks Design, Y.J. Wang, P.Y. Mok, Y. Li, and Y.-L. KwokThe Impact of the Human Factor on Productivity in Advanced Production Systems, M. Goebel and S. ZschernackLevel of Automation Analysis in Manufacturing Systems, A. Fasth, J. Stahre, and K. DenckerCognitive Assembly Planning Using State Graphs, D. Ewert, E. Hauck, D. Schilberg, and S. JeschkeDevelopment of a Questionnaire for Prolonged Standing Jobs at Manufacturing Industry, I. Halim, A.R. Omar, A.M. Saman, I. Othman, and M.A. AliProcesses and Services Challenges of Beijing Road Transportation System: An Extended Application of TOC Think Processes, G. Shi, S.-H. Chang, and W. ZhangAn Extended Study on Human Performance in Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants, H. Liao and J.-L. ChangDesign of a Collaborative Visualization Facility for Geoscience Research, C. WhiteSurvey of Workload Factors for Technicians in Wind Turbine Maintenance Tasks: A Pilot Study, G.-F. Liang, P. Patterson, and S.-L. HwangHuman Factors in Oil Refinery Operation, D. StrobharThe Personas Layering Framework Applied to Consumer Services Design for Automotive Market, A. Marcengo, A. Rapp, and E. GuercioThe Process of Identifying and Implementing Ergonomic Controls in the Packaging of Motors, I. WiremanProduct Maturity, Security and Software Engineering, G. Boy, R. Ford, and R. HenningMacro and Micro Ergonomics Application in a Medium Sized Company, H. Shahnavaz, Sweden, A. Naghib, and S. SamadiThe Specification and Evaluation of Personalized Footwear for Additive Manufacturing, A. Salles and D. GyiDesign of Work Systems Tools of Occupational Biomechanics in Application to Reduction of MSDs, D. Roman-LiuEnhancement of MSD Problems in the Automobile Industry, Y.-G. Kwon, H.-J. Lee and J.-W. RyuThe Investigation of Low Back Problems Among Home Delivery Drivers, C.-L. Lin, Y.-T. Hung, M.-J. Wang, and J. P. ChenConception of a Task Analysis- and Screening-Method for Identifying Age-Critical Fields of Activity on the Basis of the Chemnitz Age Model, M. Keil and B. Spanner-UlmerContemporary Aspects in Design of Work, A. Kawecka-Endler and B. MrugalskaTeaching in Real Time - Development of a Virtual Immersive Manikin Implemented in Real Time Systems, F. Sulzmann and K. MeinkenOptimizing Humidity Level to Enhance Worker Performance in Automotive Industry, A. R. Ismail, M.Y.M. Yusof, B.M. Deros, M.R.A. Rani, and M.M. NoorDesign for Manufacturing (DFM) - A Case Study of Repetitive Measures, G. Paul and F. WagnerUser Demands for New Mixed Reality Tools, First Results of the ManuVAR Project, P. Vink, M. Blok, G. van Rhijn, T. Bosch, H. Totte, and K. LouposAn Analysis of the Impact of Trends in Automation on Roles in Radiotherapy Using Function Allocation, E. Fallon, L. Chadwick, and W. van der PuttenAn Ergonomic Study on Measurement Operation Quality of an Inspection Laboratory, H.-Y. Huang and E. M.-Y. WangA Cross-Cultural Study on the User Motivations and Behaviors of Online Knowledge Sharing, E. Nohdurft, Q. Gao, and B. ZhuInfluences of Different Dynamic Office Chairs on Muscular Activation, Physical Activity and Posture, R. Ellegast, K. Keller, H. Berger, L. Groenesteijn, and P. VinkXDM - eXtensible Design Methods, A. Neves, F. Campos, S. Campello, L. Castillo, and L. FalcaoCompetence Profile of Top-Level Controllers, T. Salminen, M. Kallio, H. Vanharanta, and B. BackNonlinear Synchronization of Biceps and Triceps Muscles During Maximum Voluntary Contraction, D. Rodrick, S. Erupaka, R.K. Sasidharan, and W. KarwowskiWorking Environment Globe Stereothermometer - A New Instrument for Measurement and Evaluation of Irrefular Radiant-Convective Load, Z. Oleksiakova, S. Bernatikova, Z. Jirak, M. Jokl, S. Maly, and H. TomaskovaThe Human Body Reaction on Non-Uniform Radiant-Convective Load, S. Bernatikova, Z. Oleksiakova, Z. Jirak, M. Jokl, H. Tomaskova, and S. MalyA Study on the Evaluation of Management Plan for Whole-Body Vibration by ISO 263-, S.H. Kim, T.G. Kim, Y.S. Kang, and K.H. YiOptical Radiation (Visible, Ultraviolet and Infrared) at the Workplaces, A. Wolska Human Factors Consideration in the Detection of Gas Leaks, M.S. Wogalter and K. LaugheryImpulse Noise, J. ZeraThe Smell of Danger: Natural and LP Gas Odorization, W. CainThe Effect of Local Illumination on Light-on Test Iinspection in a TFT-LCD Plant, L.-J. Twu, C.-L. Lin, and M.-J. WangPredicting Image Quality on a Mobile Display Under Different Illuminations, P.-H. Lin, W.-H. Kuo, and S.-L. HwangThe Elements of Work Environment in the Improvement Process of Quality Management System Structure, A. GornyCultural Influence on Learning Sensorimotor Tasks, T. Jeske, M. Mayer, B. Odenthal, K. Hasenau, S. Tackenberg, and C. SchlickProactive Vision for the Safety Culture in a Finnish Chemical Plant, P. Porkka, M. Salo-Pihlajamaki, and H. VanharantaPsychosocial Aspects of Work, D. Zolnierczyk - ZredaProduct and System Safety New Tools for Analyzing Work Activities in the Process Industry, P. SkrehotAn Empirical Assessment of Driver Motivation, Emotional Response and Driving Conditions on Risk-Taking Decisions, Y. Zhang and D. KaberHuman Systems Integration Risk Management at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, D.
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Wilson, T. Malone, L. Avery, and J. Lockett-ReynoldsThe Impact of Repeated Cognitive Tasks on Driving Performance and Visual Attention, Y. Wang, B. Reimer, B. Mehler, J. Zhang, A. Mehler, and J.F. CoughlinHRA in China: Model and Data, L. Dai, L. Zhang, and P. LiAnalysis of Human Errors in Emergency Situation in a Nuclear Power Plant Digital Control Room, L. Zhang, L. Dai, P. Li, and J. ChengMeasuring the Performance of a Triple-Target Visual Search Task, R. Yu and Z. KongEfficacy of Central Alarm System on Nurses' Line of Care in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit in Singapore, R.Y.I. Koh, T. Park, and F.G. ChenThe Effect of Backpack Weight on Gait Parameters, C.-Y. Wu, C.-L. Lin, M.-J. Chung, and M.-J. WangDHM for Ergonomical Assessment of Home Appliances, M. Mazzola, E. Preatoni, N. Emmanuele, M. Romero, F. Costa, and G. AndreoniA Comparison of Different Shoe Insoles in Gait Performance, M.-J. Chung, C.-L. Lin, C.-H. Chang, and M.-J. WangThe Evaluation of Double-Layers Clothing on Clothing Microclimate, Physiological Responses and Subjective Comfort, T.-H. Chen, C.-L. Lin, and M.-J. WangDisplay/Control Quality in Small Touch Based Screen, Y.L. LeeThe Factors of Image Quality in Autostereoscopic Display, Y.-T. Ding, S.-L. Hwang, K.-C. Chang, S. Wang, Y.-Y. Lai,and W.-H. LiaoComfort and Discomfort in Gripping Exertion, Y.K. Kong, D.M. Kim, K.S. Lee and M.C. JungSafety Design Issues The Measurement of Grip-Strength in Automobiles: A New Approach to Detect Driver's Emotions, F. Siebert, M. Oehl, and H.-R. PfisterOn Quantification Method of Step Visibility: Basic Investigation on Influence of Observation Conditions, Y. Kang and T. MikamiA Decision Support System for Unusual Behavior Detection in Nuclear Power Plants, Y.-H. Wang, P.-C. Wang, S.-L. Hwang, and R. H. HouA Proposal of Fall Risk Evaluation Method on Patient's Characteristics, S. Fukaya and Y. OkadaDirect-to-Consumer (DTC) Prescription Drug Advertising: Exploring Self-Reports of Media Exposure and Associate Behaviors, R. Goldsworthy and C. MayhornCausal Relation of Negative Event Occurrence-Injury and/or Failure, J. Sinay and A. NagyovaMaking It Right: The Critical Performance Influence Factors for Offshore Drilling and Wireline Operations, B. Vignes and J. LiyanageSurface Pressure Analysis in Prosthetics and Orthotics, J. Zivcak, R. Hudak, M. Kristof, and L. BednarcikovaAdaptibility of Operators When Exposed to Hand-Transmitted Vibration at Work with Electric Hand-Held Tools, S. Fiserova Effects of Cell Phone Conversations on Driving Performance in Japan, M.K. Park, T. Machida, K. Yamanaka, and M. KawakamiErgonomics Study on the Visual Environment at Urban Uncontrolled Intersections Based on Visibility Simulation Approach Applying 3-Dimensional Computer Graphics Software, M. Mori, S. Horino, and N. KuboThe Major Quality Factors on Two-Views Autostereoscopic Displays, P.-C. Wang, H.-Y. Huang, C.-F. Chuang, S.-L. Hwang. K. Lee, and J.-C. YangSafety Management Impact of Occupational Health & Safety Activities and Safety Climate on Industry Accident Rates in South Korea, K.H. Yi and H.S. Jung OHSMS Based on Ergonomics and the BBS, S. Marino, M. Donisi, and M. TestaseccaSafety and Risk Philosophy in Maintenance Management, H. PacaiovaSafety Culture - An Effective Tool for Major Hazard Prevention, M. PalecekWhat Constitutes Typical Adolescent Behavior and How Does It Differ from Adult Conduct? M. Vredenburgh, I. Zackowitz, D. Spencer, M. De Taboada, and A. VredenburghDeveloping a Method to Evaluate the Employee Satisfaction on Safety Management, M. Tomita and Y. OkadaA Proposal of a Training Program of Risk Managers Applying Incident Reports in Medical Organizations, T. Fukuda and Y. OkadaAnalysis of the Process Safety Management System in Relation to the Prevention of Major Accidents Caused by Dangerous Chemical Substances, P. ForintProgram "Safety Enterprise" as a Supporting Tool for Effective Occupational Safety and Health Management System, S. VlkovaMajor Accident Prevention as a Tool to Increase the Level of Enterprise Safety Systems in the Czech Republic, M. Prazakova, S. Maly, E. Dusek and V. SlukaHazard Communication Perceptions of Sport-Utility Vehicle (SUV) Safety by SUV Drivers and Non-Drivers, C. Mayhorn, M. Wogalter, and V. ConzolaSunscreen Labeling and Warnings: A Human Factors Analysis, K. Burke, J. Dorris, and N. DorrisThe Safety Hierarchy and Its Role in Safety Decisions, K. Laughery and M. WogalterReliance on Warnings as the Sole Remedy for Certain Hazards: Some Circumstances Where that Just Doesn't Work, E. Karnes, D. Lenorovitz, and S. LeonardThe Effects of Background Color of Safety Symbols on Perception of the Symbols, C.K. Or and A.H.S. Chan Hazard Perceptions of Consumer Products, W. Vigilante, Jr. and R. LimGovernment, Warnings, Safety Information: A Comparison of Inter-Agency Regulations and Guidance, J. Sala, E. Nichols, R. Muhammad, S. Lakhiani, R. Rauschenberger, and C. WoodClarifying the Hierarchical Approach to Hazard Control, S. Hall, S. Young, J. Frantz, T. Rhoades, C. Burhans, and P AdamsExperimental Study on the Influence of Individual Cognitive Differences on Team Synergy Knowledge Integration Process, S. Yi, L. Su, W. Wang, R. Huang, and N. ZhangEmpirically Evaluating and Developing Alarm Rate Standards for Liquid Pipeline Control Room Operators, G.D. Uhack, II and C. HarveyCase Study of Alarms Rates in Two Pipeline Companies vs. Alarm Rate Standards, C. Harvey, L. Michelli, and G. Uhack, IIOccupational Risk Prevention Understanding Accidents in the Great Outdoors: Testing a Risk Management Framework in the Led Outdoor Activity Domain, P. Salmon, A. Williamson, M. Lenne, E. Mitsopoulos-Rubens, and C. M. Rudin-BrownEvacuation Flow Analysis for Aircraft Accident with Panic Passenger by Autonomous Agent and Multi-Agent Simulation, T. Miyoshi, H. Nakayasu, Y. Ueno, and M. NakagawaRisk Control Through the Use of Procedures: A Method for Evaluating the Change in Risk, G. Praino and J. SharitA Human Factor Analysis to Mitigate Fall Risk Factors in an Aerospace Environment, J. WareResearch on Astronaut Training Methods for Complicated Operation, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, M. Liu, O. Wang, and B. WuThe Preventive Strategies for the Third Industrial Accident in Korea, Y. Kang, S. Yang, T. Kim, and D. KimThe Comparison Between OHSMS and PCMS for Business area, C.-O. Kim, H.-J. Choi, and C.-H. LeeThe Distribution of Pedestrian-Backing Vehicle Accidents by Back-Up Alarm Status and Vehicle Type, J.P. Purswell and J.L. PurswellAutomated Analysis of Injury Narratives: Some Lessons Learned, H. Marucci-Wellman, M. Lehto, H. Corns, and G. SorockVoluntary Guiding Principles for the Secure Handling of Nanomaterials, W. Greaves-HolmesUp-to-Date Personal Protective Equipment, K. MajchrzyckaManufacturing Process Improvement Based on Reducing of Ergonomics Risks in Woodworking Enterprise, H. Kalkis, I. Rezepina, V. Praude, Z. Roja, and V. KalkisDevelopment of User Interface for STARtracker, a Web-Based Open Source Application for Tracking Oil and Gas Methane Emission Reductions, G. M. KnappAn Artificial Intelligent Approach for Evaluation of Teamwork Versus Health, Safety, Environment and Ergonomics (HSEE), A. Azadeh, M. Rouzbahman, and M. Saberi