Recent Changes in Surface UV Radiation and Stratospheric Ozone at a High Arctic Site --; Spectral Properties and UV Attenuation in Arctic Marine Waters --; Spectral Properties and UV Attenuation in Arctic Freshwater Systems --; UV Radiation and the Optical Properties of Sea Ice and Snow --; Effects of UVB Radiation on Terrestrial Organisms and Ecosystems With Special Reference in the Arctic --; UV Tolerance, Pigmentation and Life Forms in High Arctic Collembola --; UV-Radiation Effects on Aquatic Food Webs in Northern Lakes and Rivers --; UV Radiation and Arctic Freshwater Zooplankton --; UV Radiation and the Pelagic Food Web of Arctic Freshwaters --; UV Radiation Effects on Phytoplankton Primary Production: A Comparison Between Arctic and Antarctic Marine Ecosystems --; UV Radiation and Arctic Marine Macroalgae --; UV Radiation and Pelagic Bacteria --; Impacts of UV Radiation on Crustacean Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton: Case Studies From Subarctic Marine Ecosystems --; Human Health and Arctic Ozone Depletion.
Text of Note
Although there are some biological processes that are supported by UV radiation, most organisms are stressed by it in various ways, e.g. through DNA damage. Top international experts present an integrated overview of UV radiation and its effects on terrestrial, freshwater and marine Arctic biota. Increased stratospheric ozone depletion and the corresponding increase in ground levels of UV radiation as well as ambient, "natural" UV radiation as a key ecological factor in the Arctic spring and summer are discussed in detail. Additionally, basic information on Arctic ecosystems is given. The volume provides not only an excellent account of present-day knowledge of the subject, but also describes the state of the art on which future research can be built.