IFIP advances in information and communication technology, 395.
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Includes author index.
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Mobile Learning. Mobile Phones and Voice-Based Educational Services in Rural India: Project RuralVoice / Mikko Ruohonen, Markku Turunen, Gururaj Mahajan, Juhani Linna, Vivek Kumar, Himadri Das --; Challenges in Mobile Teaching and Safety --; A Case Study / Birgy Lorenz, Kaido Kikkas --; Social Networks, Analytics and Recommendations. Social Learning Analytics to Study Teachers' Large-Scale Professional Networks / Riina Vuorikari, Santi Scimeca --; Knowing My Peers: Edentity --; To Invite Peer Interaction and Social Learning / Hanna M. Olsson, Thomas Persson Slumpi --; An Implicit-Semantic Tag Recommendation Mechanism for Socio-Semantic Learning Systems / Paul Seitlinger, Tobias Ley, Dietrich Albert --; Workplace Learning. Learner Experiences and Perceptions of Using Social Media Tools in Formal Workplace Learning / Juha Leino, Erika Tanhua-Piiroinen, Johanna Sommers-Piiroinen --; Learning with Social Technologies: Workplace Learner Experiences of Wiki and Blog and Perceptions of PLE / Juha Leino, Erika Tanhua-Piiroinen, Johanna Sommers-Piiroinen. Dialogic Leadership and ICT-Intensive Workplaces: How to Enhance Learning Potential / Sirpa Syvänen, Kati Tikkamäki --; Learning Analytics in Higher Education. Evaluating the Practices in the E-Learning Platform from the Perspective of Knowledge Management / I-Chin Wu, Wen-Shan Chen --; Designing Dippler --; A Next-Generation TEL System / Mart Laanpere, Hans Põldoja, Peeter Normak --; Developing Learning Analytics for TUT Circle / Anne-Maritta Tervakari, Jarno Marttila, Meri Kailanto, Jukka Huhtamäki, Juho Koro --; Collaborative Learning in Higher Education. Learning Outcomes for Blog-Based Courses: A Case Study / Kairit Tammets, Peeter Normak --; Aligning Open, Physical, and Virtual Spaces in the CIS Sandbox / Mark Frydenberg --; University Students as Composers of a Digital Video / Carita Kiili, Merja Kauppinen, Leena Laurinen --; Challenging Learning Myths through Intervention Studies in Formal Higher Education / Sebastian H.D. Fiedler, Terje Väljataga. Managing Open and Social Education. Educational Transformation with Open and Social Technologies in the Non-formal School Curriculum / Don Passey --; Social Technologies in Education --; An Actor-Network Analysis / Bill Davey, Arthur Tatnall --; Evolution to Smart Learning in Public Education: A Case Study of Korean Public Education / Taisiya Kim, Ji Yeon Cho, Bong Gyou Lee --; Doctoral Student Papers. Driving Forces behind the Development and Stabilization of Knowledge Organization Systems in Digital Environments / Jörgen Jaanus, Tobias Ley --; Collaborative Tagging Applications and Capabilities in Social Technologies / Danel Apse, Tobias Ley --; Privacy Awareness of Students and Its Impact on Online Learning Participation --; A Case Study / Birgy Lorenz, Sonia Sousa, Vladimir Tomberg --; Towards Ways to Promote Interaction in Digital Learning Spaces / Hanna M. Olsson --; E-Learning Using Open Source Software in African Universities / Nicholas Mavengere, Mikko Ruohonen, Paul Nleya --; Discussion Groups. Organizational Learning, Agility and Social Technologies in Contemporary Workplaces / Kati Tikkamäki, Nicholas Mavengere.
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This volume constitutes the refereed post-proceedings of the IFIP WG 3.4 International Conference on Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning, OST 2012, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in July/August 2012. The 16 full papers presented together with 3 short papers and 5 doctoral student papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics such as mobile learning, social networks, analytics and recommendations, workplace learning, learning analytics in higher education, collaborative learning in higher education, and managing open and social education.