Half Title; Editorial Advisory Board; Title Page; Copyright; Contributors ; Contents; Preface; 1 Dynamic Photonic Materials Based on Liquid Crystals; 1 Introduction; 2 Photonic Devices Based on Cholesteric Liquid Crystals; 2.1 Electro-Responsive CLCs; 2.2 Azobenzene LCs; 2.3 Phototunable CLCs; 3 Holographic Polymer Dispersed in Liquid Crystals; 4 POLICRYPS Structures; 4.1 Realization and Theoretical Model; 4.1.1 Fabrication Recipes; 4.1.2 Theoretical Model for Composite Structures Formation; 4.2 Applications of NLC-Based POLICRYPS; 4.2.1 Switchable Holographic Grating. 4.2.2 Switchable Beam-Splitter4.2.3 Switchable Waveplate; 4.2.4 Tunable Bragg Filter; 4.3 Applications POLICRYPS Based on CLC and FLC; 4.3.1 Microlaser Array; 4.3.2 CLC in ULH Configuration; 4.3.3 SSFLC Switching; 5 Tunable Diffractive Waveplates; 5.1 The New Generation of Optics; 5.2 Light Modulation Concepts Based on DWs; 6 Liquid Crystals Active Plasmonic Nanomaterials; 6.1 General Overview; 6.2 Periodic Structures Hosting Plasmonic CLCs; 6.3 Random Distribution of GNPs Layered with NLC; 7 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 2 Invisibility Physics: Past, Present, and Future. 1 Introduction2 Early Concepts of Invisibility; 3 Nonscattering Objects and Inverse Problems; 4 Optical Cloaking; 5 Other Cloaking Designs; 6 Experiments and Material Properties; 7 Related Applications; 8 Invisibility in Science Fiction; 9 Concluding Remarks; Acknowledgments; References; 3 Phase Anomalies in Micro-Optics; 1 Introduction; 2 Gouy Phase; 2.1 Debates for Its Origin; 2.2 Varieties of Occurrences; 2.3 Varieties of Quantities; 2.4 Debates for Superluminality; 3 Measurement Methods; 3.1 High-Resolution Interference Microscope; 3.2 Longitudinal-Differential Interferometry. 4 Gouy Phase in Highly Focused Light4.1 Focusing a Plane Wave; 4.2 Focused Bessel-Gauss Beam; 5 Gouy Phase of 2D and 3D Focusing by Microlenses; 5.1 Microlens Design and Fabrication; 5.2 Field Distributions from Spherical Microlenses: 3D Focusing; 5.3 Field Distributions from Cylindrical Microlens: 2D Focusing; 5.4 Gouy Phase Anomalies of 2D and 3D Focusing; 6 Axial Phase Shift After a Single Diffraction Object; 6.1 The Spot of Arago; 6.2 Field Distributions from Small-Size Obstacle: 4-um Disk; 6.3 Field Distributions from Relatively Large-Size Obstacle: 10-109m Disk. 6.4 Phase Anomaly and Superluminal Wavefront Propagation in Arago Spot7 Phase Anomaly After a Periodic Diffraction Object; 7.1 Talbot Effect and Length; 7.2 Finite Grating Structure; 7.3 Intensity Distributions; 7.4 Phase Distributions: Longitudinal-Differential and Propagation Phase; 7.5 Phase Anomaly in Finite Talbot Light Carpet; 8 Gouy Phase After a Dielectric Microsphere; 8.1 Photonic Nanojet; 8.2 Intensity and Phase Distributions of Photonic Nanojet; 8.3 Gouy Phase Anomaly in Photonic Nanojet; 9 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 4 Subwavelength Atom Localization; 1 Introduction.
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In the 50 years since the first volume of Progress in Optics was published, optics has become one of the most dynamic fields of science. The volumes in this series that have appeared up to now contain more than 300 review articles by distinguished research workers, which have become permanent records for many important developments, helping optical scientists and optical engineers stay abreast of their fields. Comprehensive, in-depth reviews Edited by the leading authority in the field.