(VIII, 257 p. 56 illustrations, 14 illustrations in color.)
Series Title
Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials, 5.
Text of Note
Age-related changes in trabecular structure and strength --; Age-related changes in cortical material properties --; Age-related changes in whole-bone structure --; Predicting bone strength and fracture risk using image-based methods and finite element analysis --; Animal models of osteoporosis and aging --; Age-related changes in skeletal mechanoresponsiveness --; Exercise and physical interventions for osteoporosis.
Text of Note
The focus of this book is on mechanical aspects of skeletal fragility related to aging and osteoporosis. Topics include: Age-related changes in trabecular structure and strength; age-related changes in cortical material properties; age-related changes in whole-bone structure; predicting bone strength and fracture risk using image-based methods and finite element analysis; animal models of osteoporosis and aging; age-related changes in skeletal mechano responsiveness; exercise and physical interventions for osteoporosis.