Lecture notes in business information processing, 64.
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Using HCI-patterns for modeling and design of knowledge sharing systems / Christian Märtin, Jürgen Engel, Claus Kaelber, and Iris Werner --; Information quality testing / Anna Wingkvist, Morgan Ericsson, Welf Löwe, and Rüdiger Lincke --; Enterprise models as interface for information searching / Auriol Degbelo, Tanguy Matongo, and Kurt Sandkuhl --; Model for project management for development and implementation of e-learning courses / Michal Kuciapski --; Optimization of automated trading system's interaction with market environment : short paper / Petr Tuchik --; E-learning application support for SME : short paper / Ulrike Borchardt and Franziska Grap --; Towards ontology-based methodology for requirements formalization / Eduard Babkin and Ekaterina Potapova --; A hybrid approach for relating OWL 2 ontologies and relational databases / Ernestas Vysniauskas, Lina Nemuraite, and Algirdas Sukys --; UML style graphical notation and editor for OWL 2 / Jānis Bārzin̦š, Guntis Bārzin̦š, Karlis Čerāns, Renārs Liepin̦š, and Artūrs Sprog̓is --; Alternative representations of workflow control-flow patterns using HOPS / Robert Kühn, Anke Dittmar, and Peter Forbrig --; Modeling and formally checking workflow properties using UML and OCL / Jens Brüning, Martin Gogolla, and Peter Forbrig --; Pondering on the key functionality of model driven development tools : the case of Mendix / Martin Henkel and Janis Stirna --; Maintenance scenarios for distributed application infrastructures : concepts with the focus on functional and data integrity / Oliver Daute and Stefan Conrad --; A selection-method for Enterprise application integration solutions / Marcel A.P.M. van den Bosch, Marlies E. van Steenbergen, Marcel Lamaitre, and Rik Bos --; OLAP personalization with user-describing profiles / Jatalija Kozmina and Laila Niedrite --; Export of relational databases to RDF databases : a case study, short paper / Sergejs Rikacovs and Jānis Bārzin̦š --; End user development for OLAP : a scenario from food industry, short paper / Mario Gleichmann, Thomas Hasart, Ilvio Bruder, and Andreas Wolff --; Mobile computing from a developer's perspective : a 10-year review, 1999-2008 / Bo Andersson.
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The conference series BIR (Business Informatics Research) was established 10 years ago in Rostock as an initiative of researchers from Swedish and German universities. The objective was to create a global forum where researchers in business informatics, seniors as well as juniors, could meet, collaborate and - change ideas. Over the years BIR has matured into a series of international conferences, typically organized in the Baltic Sea region, including Norway and Iceland. A steering committee ensures the high quality of the BIR proceedings. We are very proud that this year an international and very well known editor has agreed to publish selected papers of the conference. The interest in the conference in terms of submissions and participation has steadily increased over the years. This year, we received 53 contributions among which 14 submissions were accepted as long papers and 4 as short papers. A few additional contributions were invited for presentation at the conference. The selection was carefully carried out by an International Program C- mittee. The result is a set of interesting and stimulating papers that address important issues such as knowledge management, ontologies, models, work?ow speci?cations, data bases and OLAP. The conference was opened by an invited technical talk by Dr. Klaus BrunnsteinfromTheUniversityofHamburgwhodiscussedthetopic"TheInf- mation Society on the Way to Web 3.0: Perspectives, Opportunities and Risks", which is challenging for all of us.