1 Why Use Delphi.- Is This Book For You.- How to Use This Book.- What Computer You Need to Run Delphi.- What's New in Delphi 2.- New Versions.- Speed.- Converting from Delphil to Delphi.- The Visual Component Library.- Language and Compiler Changes.- Menu Changes.- The Object Respository.- Database Management.- Conventions.- 2 Running Delphi.- Starting Delphi.- The Delphi Programming Environment.- The Form.- The Component Palette.- The Object Inspector.- The Code Editor.- The SpeedBar.- The Disappearing Memo.- Event Driven Software.- Creating the User Interface.- Finding Windows.- Changing Component Properties.- Running the Program.- Writing the Pascal Code.- 4 HOW PROJECTS ARE ORGANISED.- File Types in Delphi Project.- Design-time Project Files.- Compiler Generated Files.- Project Files.- Unit Source Files and Graphical Form Files.- Files You Need to Edit.- The Project Manager.- The SpeedBar.- The Program Manager SpeedMenu.- The Project Options Dialog.- The Forms Option.- The Application Options.- The Compiler Options.- The Linker Options.- The Directories/Conditional Options.- 5 The Standard Component Palette.- The TLabel Component.- The TEdit Component.- The TMemo Component.- The TButton Component.- The TCheckBox Component.- The TRadioButton Component.- The TListBox Component.- The TComboBox Component.- The TScrollBar Component.- The TGroupBox Component.- The TRadioGroup Component.- Using the Components.- 6 Computer Buyers Survey.- The Completed Form.- Using the Grid to Align Components.- Creating the Form.- Entering List and Combo Box Data.- Run-time Properties.- Aligning Components.- Unit Changes.- 7 Dialog Boxes.- The ShowMessage Procedure.- The MessageDlg Function.- Return Values from MessageDlg.- Creating Input Forms.- Custom Dialog Boxes.- 8 Using Forms.- Modal and Modeless Forms.- Form Templates.- Allowing Forms to Use Each Other.- Password Input Dialog.- Finding Forms and Units.- Saving Forms as Templates.- Custom Dialog Boxes.- The OpenFile Dialog Box.- 9 MDI Forms.- The FormStyle Property.- Creating Parent and Child Forms.- Auto-Creation of Forms.- Displaying Child Forms.- Tiling Child Forms.- 10 Menus.- The Menu Designer.- Designing Main Menus.- The Caption and Name Properties.- Adding, Inserting and Deleting Menu Items.- Separator Bars, Accelerator and Short-cut Keys.- Creating Sub Menus.- Designing Pop-up Menus.- The Menu Designer Speed Menu.- Using Menu Templates.- Creating Menu Templates.- Connecting Menu Events and Code.- The Font Dialog Box.- The TColorDialog Component.- 11 Debugging.- Run-time and Logic Errors.- Using the Debugger.- Stopping Program Execution.- Setting Breakpoints.- Restarting After Breakpoints.- Viewing Breakpoints.- Using Breakpoints.- Disabling, Enabling and Deleting Breakpoints.- Conditional Breakpoints.- Stepping.- Pausing Programs.- Using the SpeedBar.- Viewing Data.- Modifying Variables.- Using the Debugger.- 12 Graphics.- Creating Graphics.- The Graphics Controls.- Adding Graphics at Design-time.- Using the Image Editor.- Adding Graphics at Run-time.- The Pen Property.- Drawing Lines.- Drawing Shapes.- The Brush Property.- The Pixel Array.- Creating a Drawing Application.- SpeedButton Properties.- Writing the Event Handlers.- Rubber Banding.- Using the ColorDialog.- Using the Clipboard.- 13 Mouse And Keyboard Events.- The Mouse Events.- The Scribble Program.- OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp Events.- The Keyboard Events.- Using the OnKeyUp and OnKeyDown Events.- Using Databases.- What is a Database.- What Databases Can Delphi Use.- The Database Forms Expert.- Running the Browser.- Using Data Controls.- The DataField Property.- The DataSource Property.- The TDataSource Component.- The TTable Component.- The TQuery Component.- Creating a Database Application.- 15 Delphi Components Reference.- The Standard Page.- The Additional Page.- The Data Access Page.- The Win 3.1 Page.- The Data Access Page.- The Data Controls Page.- The Dialogs Page.- The Systems Page.- The OCX Page.- The Samples Page.- The WIN 95 Page.- 16 Pascal Primer.- Program Structure.- Program Layout.- Data Types.- Operators.- Bitwise operators.- Declaring Variables.- Declaring Constants.- Converting Between Types.- Calling Procedures and Functions.- Passing Parameters.- Using Functions.- Controlling Program Flow.- If Then Else Statements.- Case Statements.- Repeat Statements.- While Statements.- For Statements.- Defining Data Types.- Enumerated Types.- Subrange Types.- Arrays.- Records.- 17 Object Pascal.- What are Objects.- The TForm Object.- Object Classes.- Private and Public.- Using the Is Operator.- Object Orientation.- Delphi And Visual Basic.- The Development Environment.- Compilers and Interpreters.- Declaring Variables.- Type Checking.- Using Strings.- High-Level File Commands.- Database Access.- Which is Better.