Incompleteness of a first-order gödel logic and some temporal logics of programs --; Semantics of non-terminating rewrite systems using minimal coverings --; Congruence Types --; Deduction by combining semantic tableaux and integer programming --; leanEA: A lean evolving algebra compiler --; A proof system for finite trees --; Representing unification in a logical framework --; Decision procedures using model building techniques --; A note on the relation between polynomial time functionals and Constable's class K --; First order logic, fixed point logic and linear order --; Simultaneous rigid E-unification is undecidable --; An evolving algebra abstract machine --; Rewriting with extensional polymorphic?-calculus --; Languages and logical definability in concurrency monoids --; Generalized implicit definitions on finite structures --; The railroad crossing problem: An experiment with instantaneous actions and immediate reactions --; A logical aspect of parametric polymorphism --; On the modal logic K plus theories --; Improved decision procedures for the modal logics K, T and S4 --; A fully abstract denotational model for observational precongruence --; On sharply bounded length induction --; Effective strategies for enumeration games --; Bounded fixed-point definability and tabular recognition of languages --; Equivalences among various logical frameworks of partial algebras --; Some extensions to propositional mean-value calculus: Expressiveness and decidability --; Theorem proving modulo associativity --; Positive deduction modulo regular theories.
Text of Note
This book contains a carefully refereed selection of papers presented at the 1995 Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic, CSL '95, held in Paderborn, Germany, in September 1995. The 27 revised full papers included were selected after two rounds of reviewing from a total of 74 submissions for presentation at the conference and present the state-of-the-art in the area. Among the topics addressed are temporal logics, rewriting systems, deduction, theorem proving, process algebra, linear logics, proof theory, formal languages, and others.