Lecture notes in computer science (En ligne), 4079.
Text of Note
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 5 janvier 2009).
Text of Note
Invited Talks.- Why Use Datalog to Analyze Programs?.- Semantic Web: The Story of the RIFt so Far.- Invited Tutorial.- Overcoming Performance Barriers: Efficient Verification Techniques for Logical Frameworks.- Regular Talks Theory.- Tableau Calculi for Answer Set Programming.- Declarative Semantics of Production Rules for Integrity Maintenance.- Modules for Prolog Revisited.- A Local Algorithm for Incremental Evaluation of Tabled Logic Programs.- Functional and Constraint Logic Programming.- Memory Reuse for CHR.- Overlapping Rules and Logic Variables in Functional Logic Programs.- Towards "Propagation = Logic + Control".- ACD Term Rewriting.- Program Analysis.- Detecting Determinacy in Prolog Programs.- Collapsing Closures.- Reduced Certificates for Abstraction-Carrying Code.- Proving Properties of Constraint Logic Programs by Eliminating Existential Variables.- Answer-Set Programming.- Justifications for Logic Programs Under Answer Set Semantics.- Generality Relations in Answer Set Programming.- Cooperating Answer Set Programming.- Predicate Introduction Under Stable and Well-Founded Semantics.- Special Interest Paper.- Improving the ISO Prolog Standard by Analyzing Compliance Test Results.- Applications I.- TOAST: Applying Answer Set Programming to Superoptimisation.- Modelling Biological Networks by Action Languages Via Answer Set Programming.- Using Answer Set Programming for the Automatic Compilation of Assessment Tests.- Semantics.- Compositional Semantics for the Procedural Interpretation of Logic.- Coinductive Logic Programming.- Analysing and Extending Well-Founded and Partial Stable Semantics Using Partial Equilibrium Logic.- The Semantics of Nominal Logic Programs.- Applications II.- Macros, Macro Calls and Use of Ensembles in Modular Answer Set Programming.- Deductive Spreadsheets Using Tabled Logic Programming.- Using a Logic Programming Framework to Control Database Query Dialogues in Natural Language.- Poster Presentations.- Declarative Diagnosis of Wrong Answers in Constraint Functional-Logic Programming.- Solving First-Order Constraints in the Theory of the Evaluated Trees.- Relaxation on Optimization Predicates.- Handling Incomplete and Complete Tables in Tabled Logic Programs.- An External Module for Implementing Linear Tabling in Prolog.- Using Combined Static Analysis and Profiling for Logic Program Execution Time Estimation.- Towards Region-Based Memory Management for Mercury Programs.- Towards Structured Contexts and Modules.- Towards Temporal Contextual Logic Programming.- Semantic Property Grammars for Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Text.- Natural Language Processing Using Lexical and Logical Combinators.- Learning Semantic Parsers: A Constraint Handling Rule Approach.- A Declarative Framework for Security: Secure Concurrent Constraint Programming.- Logic Programming in Knowledge Domains.- Logtalk Processing of STEP Part 21 Files.- Integrating Datalog with OWL: Exploring the AL-log Approach.- LMNtal as a Unifying Declarative Language: Live Demonstration.- Doctoral Consortium Presentations.- Declarative Problem Solving Using Answer Set Semantics.- The Design and Implementation of the YAP Compiler: An Optimizing Compiler for Logic Programming Languages.- Description Logic Reasoning in Prolog.- Static Memory Management for Logic Programming Languages.- Deductive Databases: Implementation, Parallelism and Applications.- Efficient Reasoning About Action and Change in the Presence of Incomplete Information and Its Application in Planning.- Deducing Logic Programs.