Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Society, NSERC (Canada), and the University of Waterloo, June 1978.
First Statement of Responsibility
P Hoffman
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(668 pages).
Series Title
Lecture Notes in Mathematics Ser.
Text of Note
On the Stable Homotopy of Symplectic Classifying and Thorn Spaces.
Text of Note
Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; FOREWORD; TABLE OF CONTENTS; THE STRUCTURE OF ODD L-GROUPS; 1. Definitions; The Exact Sequence; 2. The Groups L E, tor (Z(1T)) .; 3. Calculations; 4. An application; 5. Involutions on Matrix Rings; 6. Involutions on Quaternion Algebras; 7. Involutions and Division Algebras; 8. The Local Lifting Theorem; 9. The Norm Theorem; Bibliography; The surgery group Lh3(Z(G)) for G a finite 2-group; 1. The proof of theorem A.; 2. Factoring the map d; 3. The type II algebras and theorem B; 4. The proof of theorem C; Bibliography. Whitehead torsion for PL fiber homotopy equivalences. 1. Results; 2. Outline of proof of Theorem D; 3. Outline of other proofs; 4. References; Localization in quadratic L-theory; 1. Quadratic L-theory; 2. Localization; 3. Cartesian squares; 4. Products; 5. Dedekind algebra; 6. Polynomial extensions; 7. Change of K-theory; References; K2(Z[Z/5J) IS GENERATED BY RELATIONS AMONG 2x2 MATRICES; 1. Introduction; 2. Approximation by Units in ~(~s).; 3. The Strong Euclidean Algorithm; 4. Extension of the Methods of Sylvester and Dunwoody; 5. Stein's Calculation; References. Surgery Spaces: Formulae and Structure1. Statement of results; 2. MSO-module spectra; 3. The spectra LO, Lo, and L" at 2; 4. Periodic, connective bo-module spectra; REFERENCES; BALANCED SPLITTINGS OF SEMI-FREEACTIONS ON HOMOTOPY SPHERES; 1. Statement of Results; 2. Proof of Theorem B; 3. Construction of ExaITlples; REFERENCES; Some Examples of Finite Group Actions; References; The Homotopy Structure of Finite Group Actions on Spheres; 1. Introduction; 2. Semi-linear spheres; 3. Examples; 4. Arbitrary actions on homotopy spheres; References; ADDITION OF EQUIVARIANT SURGERY OBSTRUCTIONS. 1. Notation and statement of results2. G Poset pairs; 3. The concept of Quasitransversality; 4. h maps and I(G, A); 5 The construction defining the addition; 6 The group I(G, A); 7 Applications and Generalizations; REFERENCES; Obstructions to Realizing Equivariant Witt Classes; References; STABLE G-SMOOTHING; Introduction; Stable G-smoothing Theory I; Normal G-microbundles; Stable G-smoothing theory II; REFERENCES; LINEAR ACTIONS ON FRIENDLY SPACES; 1. Statement of results; 2. Method of proof; 3. Proof of Theorem; References; The Kunneth Formula in Equivariant K-theory; REFERENCES. ISOTOPY CLASSES OF PERIODIC DIFFEOMORPHISMS ON SPHERES1. Realizing nontrivial isotopy classes; 2. Isotopy classes and knot invariants; 3. Some non-h-cobordant manifolds; 4. Finding non-realizable isotopy classes; REFERENCES; ORIGINAL BROWN-PETERSON SPECTRA; 1. The localization square; 2. Automorphisms of BP; 3. The case p=3; 4. The case p=2; 5. Ring structures; REFERENCES; BP-OPERATIONS AND MAPPINGS OF STUNTED COMPLEX PROJECTIVE SPACES; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. BP OPERATIONS; 3. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STABLE GENUS AND SELF-MAPS; 4. STABLE GENUS AND SELF MAPS OF cpn+2; REFERENCES.