Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production :
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Combined Real and Synthetic Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production, Hamburg, 23-24 November 1994
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Yakup Paker, Sylvia Wilbur.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer London
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(XII, 294 pages)
Series Title
Workshops in computing.
Text of Note
Overview.- The MONA LISA Project, General Presentation.- Session 1: Hardware.- A Parallel Accelerator for Using Synthetic Images in TV and Video Production.- Real-Time Mixing of Live Action and Synthetic Backgrounds Based on Depth Values.- Visual Tools for Parallel Server Handling.- P3I, a Multi-Paradigm Real-Time Video Engine.- Session 2: Analysis 1 - Tracking.- Global Motion Estimation for Registering Real and Synthetic Images.- Real-Time Camera Tracking Server on the ELSET Accelerator.- Tracking and Recognition of Face Sequences.- Session 3: Analysis 2 - Stereoscopic Imaging.- Depth Estimation from Stereoscopic Image Pairs Assuming Piecewise Continuous Surfaces.- 3D Scene Modeling from Stereoscopic Image Sequences.- The Usage of Turntable Sequences for Disparity/Depth Estimation.- Session 4: Analysis 3 - 3D Automatic Modelling.- Joint Estimation of Depth Maps and Camera Motion in the Construction of 3D Models from a Mobile Camera.- Scene Reconstruction Based on Penta-Ocular Image Sequences for 3D-Imaging.- C3D (TM): A Novel Vision-Based 3D Data Acquisition System.- Automatic Modelling of 3D Natural Objects from Multiple Views.- Session 5: Analysis 3 (Continued).- Modelling Buildings from Single Images.- Knowledge Based Modelling of Natural Scenes.- Synthesis 1.- Real-Time Collision Checking for 3D Object Positioning in Sparse Environments.- Session 6: Synthesis 2.- Depth Sensitive Image Compositing in a Multimedia System.- Inverse Kinetics for Center of Mass Position Control and Posture Optimization.- Real-Time Walkthrough with Specular Effects.- Real-Time Depth of Field Algorithm.- Session 7: Synthesis 3.- Combining Method of Generation Realistic Images of Clouds.- Methods for Volume Metamorphosis.- Author Index.
Text of Note
Recent developments in computer visualisation mean that it is now possible to combine computer-generated image sequences with real video, in real time, for broadcast quality production. This will not only revolutionise the broadcast industry, by making "electronic film sets" possible for example, but also has important implications for related fields such as virtual reality, multi-media, industrial vision, and medical image processing. This volume contains papers from the European Workshop on Combined Real and Synthetic Image Processing for Broadcast and Video Production, held in Hamburg, 23-24 November 1994. The papers cover three main aspects of research: hardware, image analysis, and image synthesis, and include several key contributions from the EU RACE II supported MONA LISA (MOdelling NAturaL Images for Synthesis and Animation) project. The resulting volume gives a comprehensive overview of this important area of research, and will be of interest to practitioners, researchers, and postgraduate students.