an artificial intelligence approach : proceedings of a workshop held as part of AI-ED 93, World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25 August 1993
First Statement of Responsibility
Matt Smith, Alan Smaill, and Geraint A. Wiggins, eds.
Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society.
Text of Note
Music education: Agent reflection in an intelligent learning environment architecture for musical composition / John Cook. Learning with harmony space : an overview / Simon Holland. MOTIVE : the development of an AI tool for beginning melody composers / Matt Smith & Simon Holland. Representing expert thought processes in music composition : a comparison of cognitive modelling tactics / William H. Smith and Brian K. Smith --; Representation of musical knowledge: Representations in the MONK harmonisation system / Daran Coates. Slappability : a new metaphor for human computer interaction / Daniel V. Oppenheim. Music representation, between the musician and the composer / Alan Smaill, Geraint Wiggins & Eduardo Maranda --; Music theory and computational models: Pragmatics in language and music / Kenny Coventry & Tim Blackwell. The role of musical memory in creativity and learning : a study of jazz performance / Geber Ramalho & Jean-Gabriel Ganascia. Automatic characterisation of musical style / Martin Westhead & Alan Smaill.