1 Introduction.- 1.1 An Introduction to Parallel Processing: Greg Wilson.- 1.1.1 B. P. (Before Parallelism).- 1.1.2 Computer Architectures.- 1.1.3 Computer Software.- 1.1.4 Types of Parallelism.- 2 SIMD: Specialisation Equals Success.- 2.1 Active Memory Technology: Arthur Trew.- 2.1.1 The Company.- 2.1.2 The Machine.- 2.1.3 The Development System.- 2.1.4 Programming Languages.- 2.1.5 The Market Niche.- 2.1.6 The Competition.- 2.1.7 The Future.- 2.2 MasPar Computer Corporation: Arthur Trew.- 2.2.1 The Company.- 2.2.2 The Machine.- 2.2.3 The Program Development System.- 2.2.4 Programming Languages.- 2.2.5 The Market.- 2.2.6 The Competitors.- 2.2.7 The Future.- 2.3 Thinking Machines Corporation: Arthur Trew.- 2.3.1 The Company.- 2.3.2 The Machine.- 2.3.3 The Development System.- 2.3.4 Programming Languages.- 2.3.5 The Market Niche.- 2.3.6 The Competition.- 2.3.7 The Future.- 3 Shared Memory Multiprocessors: The Evolutionary Approach.- 3.1 Alliant Computer Systems: Malcolm Brown & Billy Taylor.- 3.7 Sequent Computer Systems: Sandy Robertson.- 3.7.1 The Company.- 3.7.2 The Machine.- 3.7.3 The Operating System.- 3.7.4 Programming Languages.- 3.7.5 The Market Niche.- 3.7.6 The Competition.- 3.7.7 The Future.- 4 Hypercubes: A Geometry that Works.- 4.1 Intel Scientific Computers: Rob Scott.- 4.1.1 The Company.- 4.1.2 The Hardware.- 4.1.3 The Concurrent I/O Facility.- 4.1.4 The Software.- 4.1.5 Sales.- 4.1.6 The Market Niche.- 4.1.7 The Future.- 4.2 NCUBE Corporation: Rob Scott.- 4.2.1 The Company.- 4.2.2 The Hardware.- 4.2.3 The Software.- 4.2.4 The Market Niche.- 4.2.5 The Opposition.- 4.2.6 The Future.- 5 The Transputer and Its Offspring.- 5.1 Inmos Limited: Mark Smith.- 5.1.1 The Company.- 5.1.2 The Transputer.- 5.1.3 The Software.- 5.1.4 The Market Niche.- 5.1.5 The Future.- 5.2 Caplin Cybernetics: Mark Smith.- 5.2.1 The Company.- 5.2.2 Caplin's Product Range.- 5.2.3 The Market Niche.- 5.2.4 Present Applications.- 5.2.5 The Future.- 5.3 Meiko Scientific Limited: Neil MacDonald.- 5.3.1 The Company.- 5.3.2 The Hardware.- 5.3.3 Programming Environments.- 5.3.4 CS Tools.- 5.3.5 Sales and Marketing.- 5.3.6 The Future.- 5.4 Parsys Limited: Mark Smith.- 5.4.1 The Company.- 5.4.2 The Hardware.- 5.4.3 The Software.- 5.4.4 The Market Niche.- 5.4.5 The Competition.- 5.4.6 Current Applications.- 5.4.7 The Future.- 5.5 Parsytec GmbH: Malcolm Brown.- 5.5.1 The Company.- 5.5.2 System Overview.- 5.5.3 Applications and Performance.- 5.5.4 The Software.- 5.5.5 The Market.- 5.5.6 The Future.- 6 New Machines For New Niches.- 6.1 Cogent Research Incorporated: Neil MacDonald.- 6.1.1 The Company.- 6.1.2 The Hardware.- 6.1.3 The Software.- 6.1.4 The Market Niche.- 6.1.5 The Future.- 6.2 Silicon Graphics Incorporated: Mark Smith & Matthew White.- 6.2.1 The Company.- 6.2.2 The Hardware.- 6.2.3 The Software.- 6.2.4 The Market Niche.- 6.2.5 The Future.- 6.3 Stardent Computer Incorporated: Mark Smith & Matthew White.- 6.3.1 The Company.- 6.3.2 The Hardware.- 6.3.3 The Software.- 6.3.4 The Market.- 6.3.5 The Future.- 6.4 Teradata Corporation: Greg Wilson.- 6.4.1 The Company.- 6.4.2 The Hardware.- 6.4.3 Interface Software.- 6.4.4 Internal Software.- 6.4.5 Support for Critical Environments.- 6.4.6 The Marketplace.- 6.4.7 The Future.- 7 Vector Supercomputers: It's Never too Late to Parallelise.- 7.1 Cray Research Inc.: Rob Scott.- 7.1.1 The Company.- 7.1.2 Cray X-MP ? Cray Y-MP ? C90.- 7.1.3 Cray-2 ? Cray-3.- 7.1.4 The Software.- 7.1.5 The Market Niche.- 7.1.6 The Competition.- 7.1.7 The Future.- 7.2 NEC: Greg Wilson.- 7.2.1 The Company.- 7.2.2 The Hardware.- 7.2.3 The Software.- 7.2.4 The Market.- 7.3 Supercomputer Systems Inc: Rob Scott.- 7.3.1 The Company.- 7.3.2 Who is Steve Chen?.- 7.3.3 SSI's Options.- 8 The Giants: Biding Their Time.- 8.1 Digital Equipment Corporation: Colin Brough.- 8.1.1 The Company.- 8.1.2 The Hardware.- 8.1.3 The Software.- 8.1.4 The Market.- 8.1.5 The Future.- 8.2 Fujitsu: Greg Wilson.- 8.2.1 The Company.- 8.2.2 Vector Computers.- 8.2.3 The CAP-05 Array Processor.- 8.2.4 The AP-1000 Array Processor.- 8.2.5 The Future.- 8.3 IBM Corporation: Arthur Trew & Mark Smith.- 8.3.1 The Company.- 8.3.2 The ES/9000.- 8.3.3 Operating Systems.- 8.3.4 Programming Languages.- 8.3.5 The Market.- 8.3.6 The Future.- 9 Software: Efficiency vs. Protability?.- 9.1 Express: Mike Norman.- 9.1.1 The Express Family of Products.- 9.1.2 History and Philosophy.- 9.1.3 Express.- 9.1.4 Cubix and Plotix.- 9.1.5 Other Utilities.- 9.2 Helios: Malcolm Brown.- 9.2.1 Perihelion and Helios.- 9.2.2 The Helios Model.- 9.2.3 The Helios Network.- 9.2.4 Helios Programming Environment.- 9.2.5 Helios as an Environment.- 9.2.6 The Market for Helios.- 9.3 Linda: Neil MacDonald.- 9.3.1 Linda Operations.- 9.3.2 Linda Examples.- 9.3.3 The Future.- 9.4 STRAND