Some basic ideas --; List functions --; Predicates --; Recursion --; A look back (and forward) --; Sets and lists --; Input --; Output --; Iterative constructs --; More about program control --; File handling --; Data structures --; Arrays, strings and structures --; A pot-pourri of features --; Debugging techniques --; Object-oriented programming --; ABC --; ABC interpreter: scanner --; ABC interpreter: execution --; Quick reference guide --; Subject Index.
Text of Note
Many of us already have at least a passing acquaintance with procedural languages such as BASIC or Pascal, but may not have met a functional language like Lisp before. Using the same enjoyable and sometimes quirky style that they employed so successfully in "The Art of C-Programming", Robin Jones and his team explain the fundamentals of Lisp in a way that students from school to postgraduates will find lucid and stimulating. The book is unique in illustrating the use of Lisp through the development of a realistic project: the design and implementation of a Lisp-based interpreter for the language ABC.