Epidemiology --; Cardiovascular risk factors and the development of coronary heart disease in women --; Pathophysiology of coronary heart disease and the effects of estrogen --; Stable angina --; Acute myocardial infarction --; Acute coronary syndromes --; Coronary artery bypass surgery --; Primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease --; Hormone replacement therapy --; Future directions.
Text of Note
Take advantage of new insights into prevention, diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease in women - to the benefit of your patients. Designed to optimize your daily practice, this book gives lucid, up-to-date answers to numerous questions: - What are the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy? - What are the major risk factors for coronary heart disease in women? - What are the most appropriate diagnostic tests in women? - Which is the better treatment option for the woman with myocardial infarction - lysis or primary angioplasty?