1. Theory, Data and Analysis ---; 2. Dependency Relations ---; 3. Configurationality ---; 4. Constructions ---; 5. Grammaticality ---; 6. Usage-based analysis ---; 7. Grammar and Semantics: the get passive ---; 8. Grammar and \ Semantics: wh words ---; 9. Grammar and Semantics: parts-of-speech ---; 10. Grammar and Semantics: thematic roles ---; 11. Language Complexity ---; 12. First Language Acquisition.
Text of Note
This book introduces major areas of debate within the field of syntax:, constructions, grammar and semantics, configurationality, usage-based grammar, complexity, language acquisition. It highlights the application of the same concepts across different models of grammar. Real examples from spoken and written language and standard and non-standard language demonstrate how difficult it is to apply the concept of grammaticality and to provide reliable analyses, especially for spoken language. -- Back cover.