Report on Community Research in Aeronautics--Cover.
Text of Note
I. Introduction --; The EUROMESH Project --; An introduction to grid generation using the multiblock approach --; II. Topology Generation --; Topology generation within CAD systems --; A topological modeller --; Advancing front technique used to generate block quadrilaterals --; III. Surface Grid Generation and Geometry Modelling --; Surface mesh generation using projections --; Generation of surface grids using elliptic PDEs --; Generation of structured meshes over complex surfaces --; Surface modelling using Coons multipatch and non-uniform rational surface --; Reparametrization of block boundary surface grids --; Aircraft surface generation --; IV. Volume Grid Generation --; Use of ONERA grid optimization method at CASA --; Multi-block mesh generation for complete aircraft configurations --; Development of 3D multi-block mesh generation tools --; Multi-block mesh optimization --; Smoothing of grid discontinuities across block boundaries --; V. Grid Optimization and Adaption Methods --; Grid adaption in computational aerodynamics --; Embedding within structured multi-block computational fluid dynamics simulation --; Adaptive mesh generation within a 2D CFD environment using optimization techniques --; Two dimensional multi-block grid optimisation by variational techniques --; Local mesh enrichment for a block structured 3D Euler solver --; The adaptation of two-dimensional multiblock structured grids using a PDE-based method --; Contribution to the development of a multiblock grid optimization and adaption code --; General grid adaptivity for flow simulation --; Error estimates and mesh adaption for a cell vertex finite volume scheme --; Multigrid methods for the acceleration and the adaptation of the transonic flow problems.
Text of Note
Computational Fluid Dynamics research, especially for aeronautics, continues to be a rewarding and industrially relevant field of applied science in which to work. An enthusiastic international community of expert CFD workers continue to push forward the frontiers of knowledge in increasing number. Applications of CFD technology in many other sectors of industry are being successfully tackled. The aerospace industry has made significant investments and enjoys considerable benefits from the application of CFD to its products for the last two decades. This era began with the pioneering work ofMurman and others that took us into the transonic (potential flow) regime for the first time in the early 1970's. We have also seen momentous developments of the digital computer in this period into vector and parallel supercomputing. Very significant advances in all aspects of the methodology have been made to the point where we are on the threshold of calculating solutions for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for complete aircraft configurations. However, significant problems and challenges remain in the areas of physical modelling, numerics and computing technology. The long term industrial requirements are captured in the U.S. Governments 'Grand Challenge' for 'Aerospace Vehicle Design' for the 1990's: 'Massively parallel computing systems and advanced parallel software technology and algorithms will enable the development and validation of multidisciplinary, coupled methods. These methods will allow the numerical simulation and design optimisation of complete aerospace vehicle systems throughout the flight envelope'.
Computational fluid dynamics.
Fluid dynamics -- Data processing.
Numerical grid generation (Numerical analysis)
edited by Nigel P. Weatherill, Michael J. Marchant, and D.A. King.