xxiii, 449 p. : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 28 cm
Text of Note
Includes index.
Text of Note
Part I: GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH ECONOMICS.1. What Is Economics?2. The Economy: Myth and Reality.3. The Fundamental Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice.4. Supply and Demand: An Initial Look.Part I: THE MACROECONOMY: AGGREGATE SUPPLY AND DEMAND.5. An Introduction to Macroeconomics.6. The Goals of Macroeconomic Policy.7. Economic Growth: Theory and Policy.8. Aggregate Demand and the Powerful Consumer.9. Demand-Side Equilibrium: Unemployment or Inflation?10. Bringing in the Supply Side: Unemployment and Inflation?Part III: FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICY.11. Managing Aggregate Demand: Fiscal Policy.12. Money and the Banking System.13. Monetary Policy: Conventional and Unconventional.14. The Financial Crisis and the Great Recession.15. The Debate over Monetary and Fiscal Policy.16. Budget Deficits in the Short and Long Run.17. The Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment.Part IV: THE UNITED STATES IN THE WORLD ECONOMY.18. International Trade and Comparative Advantage.19. The International Monetary System: Order or Disorder?20. Exchange Rates and the Macroeconomy.