A whimsical prelude --; The founding fathers : Galileo and Huygens --; The magic mountain : Newton --; What is light? --; Electricity : from thunder to motors and waves --; Heat :substance, vibrations, and motion --; Kinetic theory : the beginning of the unraveling of the structure of matter --; Appendixes. Newton's mathematical principles (Section II) : the determination of centripetal forces ; Newton's mathematical principles (Section III) : the motion of bodies in eccentric conic sections ; Kepler's laws in modern standard deviation ; Kirchhoff's laws in modern standard derivation ; Kirchhoff's law on heat exchange ; The arguments of the "Newton of electricity" ; The measurement of the ratio of electrostatic to electromagnetic units of charge and the velocity of light ; Plane waves from Maxwell's equations ; The influence of pressure on the melting point of ice ; The absolute scale of temperature and the gas thermometer ; Maxwell's distribution of velocities of molecules in his own words ; Boltzmann's epitaph ; The essentials of Boltzmann's H-theorem ; Dilemmas posed by the equipartition of energy ; The marvelous equation of van der Wals and Clausius' virial theorem.