Ch. 1. Introduction to JavaScript; Ch. 2. Placing JavaScript in an HTML File; Ch. 3. Using Variables; Ch. 4. Using Functions; Ch. 5. JavaScript Operators; Ch. 6. Conditional Statements and Loops; Ch. 7. Event Handlers; Ch. 8. Objects; Ch. 9. The Document Object; Ch. 10. Window Object; Ch. 11. JavaScript Arrays; Ch. 12. Math, Number, and Date Objects; Ch. 13. Handling Strings; Ch. 14. JavaScript and Forms; Ch. 15. JavaScript and Frames; Ch. 16. An Introduction to Advanced Techniques; Appendix A. Answers to Self Tests; Index.
Text of Note
Provides a hands-on tutorial covering the newest features in JavaScript 2.0--including new "type" attributes and values, use of external "unobstrusive" scripts, and the seven new Array methods--in an edition revised to use XHTML Transitional style and to include coverage of the Firefox browser.