Title from PDF title page (viewed Dec. 11, 2007).Includes index.
Text of Note
JAN: Because They Are There: Towering Works to Read in TranslationFEB: Footprints on the Sands of Time: Notable BiographiesMAR: The Good Life: Young Men on a QuestAPRIL: Top Girls: Strong Women, Admirarbly So and OtherwiseMAY: Jury Duty: Crimes of Various SortsJUNE: Expand Your Horizons: Books with Varied VenuesJULY: Stranger in a Strange Land: Unaccustomed Places, Real and FanciedAUG: Lighten Up: A Good Belly LaughSEPT: Back in the Day: Some Great 18th Century WorksOCT: Growing Up: the Pains and PleasuresNOV: War and Peace: On the Battlefield and Back HomeDEC: The Glittering Prizes: Winners of Major Awards