Part one : The first steps. Sharing your day ; Style and formality ; Setting the date ; Location is everything --;Part two : Planning your ceremony. Building a beautiful ceremony that's you[italicized] ; Wedding vows ; Closing your ceremony --;Part three : Dressing up in style. Gorgeous gowns and colors for you ; Gorgeous gowns and colors for your bridesmaids ; Wraps and accessories for you ; Looking and feeling gorgeous on your wedding day ; Dressing your men ; Dressing up the children ; The rings ; Your flowers --;Part four : The party of your lives. Setting the scene ; Setting the tables ; A menu to savor ; Just desserts ; Give your guests a show ; The after-party --;Part five : Additional details. Impressive invitations ; Photos and video ; Getting a ride ; A place to stay ; Wedding weekend plans ; A token of appreciation ; Making the last moments count.
Text of Note
Creative ideas to make your wedding special.
Parallel Title
One thousand best secrets for your perfect wedding;Thousand best secrets for your perfect wedding;Secrets for your perfect wedding