extended abstracts of the 18th Symposium on Operations Research, held at the University of Cologne, September 1-3, 1993.
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Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
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XXVI, 550 str. : graf. prikazi ; 25 cm
Text of Note
Action.- Inverse Function Theorems for Nonsmooth Mappings in Banach Spaces.- Knowledge Acquisition Through Schedule Decomposition.- Multilevel Control of Aquatic Ecosystems in Lake.- Short Proofs of Some Theorems in Probability and Statistics Based on a Weak Compactness Argument for Tests.- Approximation Algorithms for Multi-Index Transportation Problems with Decomposable Costs.- Multicriterial Optimization in Production and Management.- Convexity-Concavity: Matrices and Matrix Games.- Generalizations of Erlang Formulae and Some of Their 2nd Order Properties.- An Efficient Approach for Down-and-out-Calls in a Binomial Model.- Horizontal Stretching in the Mapping of Algorithms onto a Data-driven Array.- An Optimal Marketing Strategy for Heterogeneous Groups of Porkers.- A Discrete Min-Max Algorithm for Inequality Contraints.- On Two and Three Person Exchange Games.- Binomial Term Structure Models and the Forward Probability Measure: Algorithmic Model Specification and Simulation Results.- Monte Carlo Simulations and the Pricing of Options in the Discontinuous Case.- Nine Kinds of Monotone and Generalized Monotone Maps.- Equivalence of Cutting Stock Problems.- Numerical Experiments to the Modified Integer Round-Up Property of the One-dimensional Cutting Stock Problem.- Optimality for a Generalized Stackelberg Problem.- Non-Simple Polymatroids and Corresponding Submodular Functions.- Evaluation Techniques for Disjunctive Logic Programs.- An Algorithm for Finding the Global Minimum of Multiextremal Lipschitz Functions.- Comparison of Some Classifiers Based on Parametric or Nonparametric Learning Algorithms.- General Structures of Primal Scaling Interior Point Methods.- Scheduling and Allocation in High-Level Synthesis.- A Modelling of Energy-Economy Interaction under Uncertainty.- Value Convergence in Generalized Markov Decision Chains.- Managerial Attitudes Toward the Valuation of Information Technology.- Convergences for Sequences of Sets and Linear Mappings.- Solving the "Business System Planning"-Problem Using Specialized Branch & Bound Algorithms.- A Knowledge-Based Environment for Decision Support.- Optimal On-Line Detection of Multiple Parameter Changes.- Using Uncertain Information from a Telecommunication Network.- Characterizations of Qualitative Data.- High Order Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Egvations.- Computer Simulation of Observation Systems under Attainment of Supersolvability by Mathematical Reduction Method.- Risk Based Equity Cost Calculation in Banking.- An Alternative Approach to Robust Design Problems.- Workflow Model Verification of Cooperating Agents in Cardiological Intensive Care Units.- Dually-Weighted Cross Decomposition for the Capacitated Facility Location Problem.- Preassignments in Chromatic Scheduling.- Reconstruction of Public Finance in a Stochastic Differential Game Framework.- Stochastic Forest Management Based on an Interactive Technique.- Solving Dial-A-Ride Problems in Practice.- Robust Mappings and Optimization.- The Profitability of Insurance.- Author Index.
Text of Note
Alphabetically by Authors.- The Scheduling Problem in High-Level Synthesis: Extended 0/1 LP Model and Solution Methods.- An Application of an Interior Point Method for Problems with Uncertainty.- Spline Approximation of the Mathematical Programming Task.- Decision Making Concerning Product Line Design Based on Conjoint Analysis.- The Simulated Trading Heuristic for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems.- Expert System for Handling Dangerous Goods.- Linear 0-1 Inequalities and Extended Clauses.- A Model- and Method Base System for Discrete Optimization Problems.- A Simple Model of Political Affairs.- Groundstates in Ising Spin Lattices by Optimal Matchings.- Parallel Tabu Search for Irregular Cutting.- Optimization of the Spare Parts Storage for the Power Units Equipments.- Using Strong Cutting Planes in Constraint Logic Programming.- Efficient Workload-Balancing on Grids, Hypercubes and Trees.- Outline of a Theory of Risk Under Partial Probability Information.- Enhanced Reliability and the Demand Impact of Jointly Normally Distributed Signals.- Optimal Control of Investment, Level of Employment and Stockkeeping.- Computational Complexity in Infinite Combinatorial Structures.- On the 2D Knapsack Problem with Real Coefficients under the Blum-Shub-Smale Computational Model.- The Job-Shop Problem and Immediate Selection.- The Advantage of and System Support for Combined Bankassurance Products.- Utilization of Integer Programming for the Optimization of Class Timetables.- A Sequential Generalized Quadratic Programming Algorithm Using Exact L1 Penalty Functions.- Eventman - A Business Event Tracking System.- Demographer - A New Version.- The 1-Part m-Machine Cyclic Scheduling Problem in Robotic Cells.- Consistent Restricted Shapley Values.- Model of Optimization of Wood Waste Processing in Slovenia.- On Uniformization for Continuous-Time Markov Chains.- Crew Scheduling for an Urban Transit Company.- Some Remarks on Dependence Among the Consistency Tests.- Is there Room for Convergence in the E.C. ?.- Reduced Game Properties of Egalitarian Division Rules for Cooperative Games.- Decomposition Algorithms Based on Knowledge Based Models.- On Some Expert Control.- Stochastic Solution of Closed Leontief Input-Output Models.- On Connectivity of Efficient Matroid Bases.- On Stochastic Vector Optimization Problems with General Stochastic Parameters in the Constraints Using Chance-Constrained Approach.- Existence of an Optimal Sampling Frequency for LQ-Controlled Economic Systems.- Approximating the Core of Euclidean TSP Games.- LP-Relaxations for the Edge-Weighted Subclique Problem.- On the Equilibrium Dynamics of a Two-Sector Overlapping-Generations Model with Heterogeneous Capital Goods.- New Results on a Newton-Type Method for LCP.- Routing in Meshes Using Linear Assignment Problem.- On Stochastic Dynamic Optimization in Discrete Time.- A Reexamination of Utility Functions Derived from Demand Functions.- Exact Matroid Parity and Polynomial Identities.- Structural Exchange Rate Relationships in the Foreign Exchange Markets.- Spectral Moments of Graphs and Some Applications.- Polymatroids, Bipartite Graphs and the Cone of Boolean Submodular Functions.- Expected Waste for a Bin-Packing Algorithm Using Items that are Exponentially Distributed.- Algorithms for the Capacitated-Chinese-Postman-Problem in Mixed Graphs.- Human Capital and International Capital Flows.- Computer Simulation for Image Reconstruction from a very Limited Number of Projections.- Capacitated Lot-Sizing with Linked Production Quantities of Adjacent Periods.- The Equal Gain Splitting Rule for Sequencing Situations and the General Nucleolus.- Consequentialism, Non-Archimedean Probabilities, and Lexicographic Expected Utility.- Boltzmann-Like and Force Models for Behavioral Changes.- Value Preserving Intertemporal Portfolio Selection.- Generating Convex Polyominoes at Random.- A New Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon.- A Production-Transportation Problem with Stochastic Demand and Concave Production Costs.- Biconvex Quadratic Maximization Subject to Linear Constraints.- K-Fold Complementarity Problem and the Order Complementarity Problem.- A Fault Diagnosis Information System Using Temporary Relations Between Symptoms.- On the Solution of Linear Vector Optimization Problems in the Image Space.- Bifurcated Routing with Transition Costs.- Batch Sequencing with Sequence Dependent Setup-Times and -Costs: A Comparison of Logic and Mixed Integer Programming Approaches.- Collective Selforganized Computer Processes in Digital Network Structures.- Linear Dependences of Random Variables and Simulation.- Heterogeneity and Multivariate Logistic Distributions.- Competitive Advantages through Flexible Design of Decentralized Information Systems.- Long Run Simulation of the German Social Security System.- Modelling Simulated Annealing with History Dependent Cooling Schedules.- Intelligent Multiple Criteria Decision Support.- Program Allocation Prediction by Neural Networks.- An Assessment of Flexibility Concepts and their Practical Usefulness to Decision Modelling.- Some Results Concerning the Complexity of Interval Edge-Colorings of Graphs.- On the Variance of the Number of Pivot Steps Required by the Simplex Algorithm.- Inversion Problems in Pyramidal Classification.- A Comparison of Heuristic Methods in Scheduling Flexible Assembly Systems.- Sequential Estimation through Estimating Equations.- Inflation and Credit Market Shocks: A Signal Extraction Problem.- The General Business Optimization Model.- Time-Series Forecasting by Pattern Imitation - Outliers.- Periodic Networks and Railway Scheduling.- A Note on Two Person Full-Information Best Choice Problems with Imperfect Observation.- Complexity of Optimization on Vectorweighted Bipartite Graphs.- Shortest Path Problem in Parallel Processors.- Bicriterial and Restrictive Planar 2-Median Problems.- Optimal Solutions to Approximate Integer Programming Problems.- Analysis of Panel Data by Means of the Gambler-Mover-Stayer Model.- Aggregation & Clustering of Preferences: Opinion vs.