1 A Historic Review of Patellar Pain --;2 Embryology and Anatomy of the Patella --;3 Biomechanics of the Patellofemoral Joint --;4 Pathology of the Patella --;5 Physical Examination of the Patellofemoral Joint --;6 Imaging of the Patellofemoral Joint --;7 Conservative Care of Patellofemoral Pain --;8 Rehabilitation of the Patellofemoral Joint --;9 Patellar Problems in the Young Patient --;10 Arthroscopic Examination and Treatment of the Patellofemoral Joint --;11 Surgical Management of Patellar Instability --;12 Osteotomy of the Patellofemoral Joint --;13 Traumatic Maladies of the Extensor Mechanism --;14 Complications of Patellofemoral Surgery --;15 Management of Patellofemoral Arthritis --;16 Patellar Considerations in Total Knee Replacement --;17 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy of the Knee.
Text of Note
Without a better understanding of why patellar disorders occur it is not surprising that there is no consensus on how to fix them. One concrete advance, albeit a small one, is a better understanding of the role of anatomical abnormalities and patellofemoral dysplasia in patellar instabilities.